Formal letter: Dear Sir/Madam (name unknown)
Dear Mr.../Mrs...(name known)
I am writing to...(I am writing with regard to...)
I would be grateful if...(I wounder if you could...)
As you started in your letter,...
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
I look forward to hearing from you.
(if dear+name)Yours sincerely
(if dear Sir/Madam)Yours faithfully
(your name+surname)
Letter of application.
(Начало такое же, как и в formal letter)
I am wtiting to apply for the position of... advertised in...
I gained some experience whike...My qualification include...I am currently...
Please find attacted my CV (As you can see from the atteched CV,...)
Please do not hesitate to contact me if/shoul you require further information.
I am avaliable for interiew at your convenience. I look forwad to hearing from you.
Конец такой же, как и в formal letter.