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The Discovery of Economy
It is a pristine tradition that much matters to a nation, when it comes to issues irrelevant to human development. Speaking in terms of reality, the economic boom of a nation is what human development all about.
Now let us profoundly analyze what exactly is the economic boom of a nation. As we begin our analysis, it is highly important for the reader to be enlightened with the fact that it is necessary to think the right way if he has to understand this immensely valuable message. The reader will have to discredit all economic and political concepts and thoughts in considering the planet earth as a single nation and its people as just its citizens with no individual nationalities. Thinking this way alone can make this message more comprehending.
Today everyone knows the fact that the world has, due to the advancement in human transportation and communication technology, virtually shrunk to a small global village. Much gossip is evident in the electronic media on the virtual currencies in circulation on the Internet. So it is clearly evident that it solely depends on the way we think, for which each single nation is a proof. Let us consider for example that if fifty states of the USA are divided into fifty nations, then fifty different currencies come into existence with different living standards in each nation. Formalities and barriers will have to be braved by the people as for the flow of people, goods and services from one state to the other. Bureaucratic interference will always remain whenever there is an exchange of business, trade or travel between any two nations from among the fifty. On the contrary if the fifty are again merged into a union of the USA, then there is no need for working out on policies, sovereignty, constitutional amendments, economy, GDP's, GNP's, exports and imports of the fifty states with each state as a separate nation.
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Similarly let us apply the concept to all the so-called countries of this world considering them to be a single nation at least in economic terms, if not socio-politically. Let us keep in mind the fact that the all the nations of the world, just for the purpose of serving their selfish national ends, have been committing blunders on the economy of this world. Because of the absurd and weird reason that we are socio-politically, culturally, lingually and in many other aspects different from each other, we have been committing blunders on the human development and prosperity of the world masses. It is now crystal clear that we human beings have also inflicted great blows to the development of our fellow nations on the entire earth more than the harms and wounds inflicted upon humanity by the weapons and wars.
We are the sole root-cause for the bias in the standard of living in the USA with that of Nigeria or Somalia or any other impoverished region of this earth.
According to the modern concept and thought, every one of us is keenly interested to know how nature has created us and how the universe came into existence but none has ever tried to wonder at the interrogative word 'why'. Why has nature created us together on a single planet, why not Blacks, Whites, Asians, the Yellow race and the Semitic race, each on a different planet? It was the duty of the dynamic and charismatic leadership of this world to teach humanity how to peacefully co-exist and mutually live on this earth as unified, uniform and united body of humanity. Was it not possible for the nature that devised everything in order, to create life on other planets in our planetary neighborhood? With these questions on our minds we can easily arrive at a conclusion that we the citizens of the nation ‘earth’ are a single nation and one family. The cream of this world’s entire human layers, masses and races irrespective of nationality or religion were destined to demonstrate the planet earth and its people from any nook and corner of its expanse that they are its citizens, the earthlings.
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It’s time, I think, we rather got down to business than beating about the bush with philosophy, which is not the point here. I presume, there is nothing like eligibility or qualification or gradation of human thinking in terms of education or literacy in order to think this way nor do we have to meditate like Lord Buddha for enlightenment.
What exactly is being tried to mean and convey here is that we have, all since the last eight decades defined a nation as a capricious blend of cultural, political and economic thought designed by the so-called charismatic leaders and pioneers of the foundation of that nation.
Let me trigger the thinking of the people of the earth by putting forward a reasonable question. Were there financial institutions and banking systems in olden days? Was there a stock exchange and all that we do have in the modern system of this world? Just because there was nothing like what we apparently enjoy today, was there no prosperity among the people? Did not business and trade flourish during those days?
The answer, as we all know is yes, people of all times have lived the same way as we do today and only two things that were not there in the olden days was the technology and the police system, irrespective of the crime at its extremes today. Nations proudly announce that in one of their cities much development has been witnessed as the number of hospitals and of police stations has considerably increased. Can we term this as a wise analysis or definition for development or shall we define it as the increase in crimes and diseases? Despite the technological advances in the field of medical sciences and despite the eradication of many diseases there is still increasing number of deaths caused by inexplicable diseases that can never be diagnosed. The increasing number of unrestrained diseases clearly prove that Science is just the need of the hour and not a solution to humanity’s unrestrained and unending problems nor is it a human development.
If the people of this modern world are of the opinion and belief that only by educating and civilizing people can we achieve development, then it is wrong as development and economic boom of a nation has nothing to do with civilized or uncivilized citizens. The live example for that is the social life in the World.
Having lost all ethical, traditional and family values, people's social life in the developed regions of this world has been so miserable that the developed nations have abased themselves in comparison to even the tribal life of Africa. Still their economies and living standards stand tall among the world nations and are invincible by the rest of the world. The tribal life there strictly maintains and adheres to its traditional values and yet is considered to be trailing behind the so-called cradles of civilization by a margin beyond reach just because they are lagging behind in terms of Technology. The developed economies at the verge of irreparably and on the brink of irrecoverably losing social law and order did successfully curtain its lawless life with capitalism and technology. We have inevitably made them the models of our social, political and economic thought to such a level that we still presume that there is no innovative and creative superiority of human thinking and understanding beyond it. We have disabled our thinking and have always tried to think the way they do in the developed world. The advanced economies may be economically or technologically a 100 years ahead of the impoverished world, which culturally, morally and socially is thousands of years ahead of the developed.
Coming now to the definition of economy of the world, we must Firstly abolish the currency value system and pave way to the formation of an economic and monetary union of all the nations on the face of this world. Let the currencies be what they are, simultaneously allowing the currencies of all countries to be equivalent in value. Let one US dollar be equal in value to one KSA Rial and also be equal in value to one Argentinean peso, to one Spanish Peseta, to one Pakistani rupee, to one Nigerian unit of currency, to 100 Italian Liras, to 100 South Korean wons, to 100 Turkish lires and to one unit of currency in Somalia.
Let the prices be the same in the entire economic union of Nations on earth’s surface. If an air-conditioner costs you about USA $ 2000 in USA then let the prices of the air-conditioner, qualitatively and technologically the same as that of the USA, in Zambia cost Zambian Kwache 2000, in Pakistan be Pakistani Rs.2000, in Bangladesh 2000 Takas, in Kuwait 200 Dinars and in Turkey Turkish Lires 200,000 and in Brazil Cruzeiro 2000.
Let the labour costs, wages, salaries and pays to the workforce anywhere in this world, be the same as anywhere and everywhere in this world union, no matter even if you would like to make the USA a standard in these matters. Let the pays, wages, salaries and labour costs be the same as that in the USA to the USA nationals. It is wise to provide everyone in the impoverished regions of this world at least with the same life as that of Europe and America in terms of technology, quality, affordability and prosperity. The day life in Chad or Bolivia or Cuba or Mali or Jamaica or Nigeria or Vietnam or Somalia or Lebanon or Indonesia or Malaysia or Poland or Albania is entitled to what life in the West is in terms of its people’s economic prosperity, then will the world be a better place to live in. For this purpose to be fulfilled and accomplished the developed and advanced countries of the world should have to feel free on the smooth transfer of technology to the developing and impoverished ones. The globe as a single nation in terms of economy should ground all barriers, hurdles and obstacles coming the way of free movement of goods, services and travel from any part of the global union to any of its contrary extremes. Even a man belonging to any remotest part of the earth’s union, must be able to set up business and industries in any and every nook and corner of this world.
If someone is pessimistic about this seemingly bizarre idea, then he must look into the worldly life, which is a combination of changes, revolutions and events wherein you can expect all that is unexpected. Twenty years back from now, we never even imagined at the height of cold war, that in the vicinity and near future to that period, we are about to witness dramatic and historic changes. We didn’t even think to the blink of an eye that the world is about to be swept by tremendous reforms and that we would be zipped through by the winds of changes.
Historic events like, [i] The fall of Hammer and Sickle in Moscow's Kremlin, known as the Mecca of Marxism, [ii] The dismantling of communism in the erstwhile Soviet Union, [iii] The eventual overthrows of iron-fist hard-line communist regimes from the iron-curtained eastern European nations, [iv] The abolition of Apartheid in South Africa by putting an end to De Klerk's reign there, [v] The stunning union of the West and East Germany, [vi] The opening up of China to international business, [vii] The on-going Middle East peace process by the recognition of the State of Palestine, and finally [viii] The historic signing up of the Maastricht treaty for the proposed monetary and economic union of the twelve Western European nations, have all shown us the signs of an imminent global union.
It doesn't in any way mean that there has to be an overnight change. Let the process take its own course of time to make the ultimate dream come true. If it takes ten years for a satellite to reach Pluto, the planet at the edge of our planetary solar system, then it is wise to launch the satellite now, setting it adrift in space towards its destination. Only then it will reach Pluto by the turn of the second decade of this century. Similarly let us get started now or at least discuss it every time we discuss global issues.
The so-called citizens of the so-called world nations have given much importance to the issues irrelevant to people’s prosperity all these decades. National anthems, National emblems, National flags, National birds, National animals, National sports, National march-pasts, Independence day celebrations and many other things and events that are not at all the criteria for the development of any nation, have been with great folly highlighted and focused every time. Obviously none of the above is in any way related to the economic boom or the welfare of the world’s entire human races. Yet they count more to a nation than its starving people.
Speaking of modernization and advancement of human ways and of times, there has been a big misconception prevalent among the masses of the world. The world has wrongly and foolishly understood modernization and advancement of life to be just based upon Human definitions as [i] Watching music channels on TV, [ii] Dressing like men and women of the West, [iii] Having a number of TV serials to watch, [iv] Dining at tables, [v] Using a fork and a spoon to eat, [vi] Dancing, listening to pop songs and music, [vii] Going to discotheque, [viii] Dreaming about world's best cars and bikes, when country's roads are dangerously bumpy, [ix] Frequenting shopping complexes and 'Mals', [x] Living in an apartment or flat, [xi] Eating in restaurants, [xii] And urge that their country's team should win a cricket or a football match, as if the win would sky-rocket the value of a single unit of the country's currency as equal to that of a dollar and [xiii] Flirting ventures of dating and mating, in a bid to liberating womanhood from motherhood, authorized as a sound development, are being held as a great achievement.
Whereas modernization is the advancement of the nation's economy with highly qualitative goods and services, enabling the citizen of the nation to be able to afford for the best. When such issues are discussed we gladly dismiss the talk of the defects of our system as better when compared to the conditions of a neighboring country, which is in shambles and we also claim our motherland to be the best nation in the world at the same time.
When it comes to religion the prevalent modern mindset dismisses its philosophy as baseless and senseless, but when it comes to patriotism, it is said that philosophy is the base. The modern citizens of so-called nations think that honor is being conveyed to their nations and that the economy and prosperity is booming, by its people saluting their national flag, which is a non-living thing. People think that by a military burial the dead gets the honor, when it is in no way going to be beneficial to the dead. So, it is high time we set aside the philosophy of nationalism and patriotism created by man with a consolation that erring is human. Human double standards of approving Adam-and-Eve concept in the church and dismissing it outside the church with the Evolution of Man as postulated by science is the misconception that makes human beings approve the US conquest of moon as man’s conquest of moon and at the same time dismissing it with the selfish pride of patriotism when it comes to interaction between two nations. Tomorrow if Wales secedes as a separate nation from the Great Britain, then people of Wales who served in the Britain’s army would have to serve Wales and would in wars fight and kill Britain’s soldiers and vice-versa forgetting the fact that both the Welsh and the British soldiers had once fought wars juxtaposed. So none can justify patriotism, which is a temporary craze and fanaticism like communism once was.
Human beings still have millions of milestones and landmarks with unlimited frontiers to venture into and explore. It is highly immature to think that man has achieved scientifically or socio-politically or economically, at this juncture of time. It is not the distance covered that matters much to a traveler, on a long journey. It is the distance to be covered to reach the destination that counts. Suppose man reached the end of this universe and touched its end, which should be a solid wall, yet the cosmology has not come to an end. It is just like a blind man touching the wall of his room and assuming that it is the end of his world, unaware of the world reigning beyond the walls of his room.
Coming now back to modernization, certainly technology is not here being referred to as modernization of man. Politically, socially and economically speaking, it is the reform of our primitive and conservative modern thoughts and concepts, which are at least a century old now. Modern thinking of the present-day man assumed to be as minute as an atom and as profound as the space, has proved to be a big failure in filtering the corrupt political system, which allows people irrelevant to politics to rule. Man has never been able to come out with a solution to the problem in forming a fool-proof political system that has got only the deserving, the wise, the learned and the experienced to play a vital role. Man has been recommending all that has been harmful to the humankind. Man has never been able to abate crimes and mishaps in the world yet.
As for social reforms, the way the people are making headway leaps blindly towards the lifestyle and culture of other people, who are economically advanced, is of a profound concern today. It has to be curbed at any cost, as the consequences met so far have been miserable in the World due to a social disorder in the name of human rights. The approval of homosexuality, the free mingling of men and woman, the widely accepted unnatural illicit relationships and the inexplicable way of life in the World, has been wrongly thought of as the only way to be abreast of time and technology. This has to be checked as the prevalent mindset of the masses in the rest of the world has a great affinity towards ‘Westernization of lifestyle’ setting aside ‘westernization of technology, living standards, qualitative goods and services and economy’. As a result, the color of the traditional values of different regions that adorns the earth will have to fade with no diversity or variety in store.
As technology and culture have nothing in common so important, let us make planet earth, a land of unity in diversity. This will help us make this world a better place to live in. Coming to technology, let there be a free flow of technology from one part of the proposed global union to another and specially the technology from the West.
It is said that the earth has drastically shrunk to a small electronic village due to the advent of faster communication technology. So the Governments of all nations should take up projects like Iridium Satellite Phones and make the SAT phones available to the people of this entire world, on dead cheap prices, so that a major chunk of the world population owns it. This will dismantle the telephone cables of the whole world it is said. So the Governments of all nations should slash down the phone call rates from any corner of this union of 265 nations to every corner of this union as applicable only to local charges. If the SAT phone-set costs about a fortune of US$ 50000 let the prices be slashed to US$ 500 or 1000. A coke can in India may be Rs. 15 or more and if it is being bought by 10 million people per day then at Rs. 1 or 2, certainly 200 million people at least will buy it every day.
The electricity and medical services must be free of cost and should be considered as a mandatory requirement for all the people of earth’s expanse.
Let any form of government rule the world union’s so-called nations. Let us pave way to the economic development of the masses of this world, being irrespective of whether a nation is ruled by a military regime or democracy or any other form of Government. Let the penal code be the strictest of all human times. Let us value human or victim’s rights more than criminals’ rights.
For some time the world will have to abandon all sporting events, and unnecessary re-search in space, cloning etc. and plan in a smart manner the smooth and speedy union of all nations of this world into a single nation. Let us make nations a single market for all businessmen on Earth’s land, and earth’s Union a home for the entire community of this world with a healthy, wealthy and hygienic environment, which is economically sustainable, viable, affordable, prosperous and livable.