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Andrew Jackson
Andrew was born at a settlement on the banks of Crawford’s Branch of Waxhaw Creek in South Carolina on March 15, 1767, the third son of immigrant parents from northern Ireland. His father died 2 days before he was born. He lost 3 siblings at an early age.
Some of Andrew’s early influences were the American Revolution in which he served as a mounted courier at the age of 13. Both Andrew and his brother were captured by the British. Because Jackson refused to polish the boots of the British officer, he was struck across the arm and face with a saber. The two boys were put in a British prison S.C., where a epidemic of small pox broke out. Mrs. Jackson got the boys release but Andrew’s brother soon died. Andrew’s mom caught the disease and soon died herself. So Andrew at the age of 15 was without no immediate family. Major Accomplishments
In 1787, Andrew became a lawyer and he set up his office in McLeanville, N.C. He soon moved his office to Nashville where he met and fell in love with Mrs. Rachel Donelson Robarb. Believing that Mr. Robarb’s had obtained a divorce, they were married in 1791. Two years later they found that this was not true and that the divorce had just then become final. A second wedding was performed. This event would effect Jackson for the rest of his life.
In 1796, Jackson was elected into the House of Representatives, representing Tennessee. He soon allied with the Jeffersonian Party criticizing Washington and his administration. After one year in the House, he moved to the Senate. He served in the Senate from September 1797 to April 1798 and then retired to private life.
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In 1815, Andrew led an army of state militiamen against Britain in the Battle of New Orleans. Jackson received a lot of fame from this battle. Also that year, Jackson became commander of the South District Army. Two years later, in 1817, Andrew was ordered to “quiet” the Seminole Indian tribe who were raiding settlements in Georgia and hiding in Florida.
In 1818, Jackson pursued with a force march and captured a post at Saint Marks. He executed two British subjects because of their involvement with the Indians. The Spanish and the British were outraged over all of this. Many congressmen wished for Andrew to be reprimanded for his actions. But Secretary of State John Quincy Adams stood up for him and Monroe did nothing to Jackson. Jackson’s Florida campaign increased his popularity and without a doubt influenced Spain’s decision to sell the territory. In 1821 Jackson was appointed governor of the newly organized Florida Territory.
In 1824, Jackson became a Presidential candidate but lost after but lost after the House of Reps voted for Adams. In 1828, Jackson again ran for President. But this time he was determined to win. Jackson won the election this time. As a President he practiced the spoil system. His cabinet was comprised mostly of his friends. By the end of Jackson’s second term the army had forcefully removed most of the eastern Indian tribes to new homes.
Andrew Jackson was a good President. He believed in letting average men run politics. He served his country countless times in the army. Andrew was a brave individual that was scared by very little. Jackson was successful in foreign affairs during his Presidency. Many saw Jackson and his policies as the reflection of the frontier spirit, which they considered the essence of the American democracy.
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John C. Calhoun was Jackson’s first V.P. Calhoun disagreed with Jackson on a lot of issues. Calhoun eventually resigned.Martin Van Buren was Jackson’s second V.P. Jackson believed in Van Buren and helped to make sure Van Buren became the next President.
Andrew Jackson was in many duels during his lifetime. Many of these duels resulted from people saying things about his wife. The duel with Charles Dickinson in 1806 stands out as an example of his characteristic refusal even to think of defeat. He knew Dickinson was faster and better shot. Jackson planned on killing Charles with one shot so he took a bullet in the chest and, without flinching, calmly killed Dickinson.
By 1836 Jackson was weak from tuberculosis and had no thought of seeking a third term. The last day of Jackson’s presidency thousands of people came to give Jackson a bid good-bye. Andrew Jackson retired to Hermitage. On June 8, 1845 Andrew Jackson died at his home at the Hermitage, where he was buried next to his wife Rachel.