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General Muhammed Zia-ul-Haq - Pakistan History
Q. Discuss in detail the Islamization programme of General Muhammed Zia-ul-Haq as the president of Pakistan.
A. Islamization Programme of General Muhammed Zia-ul-Haq: -
Background: -
General Muhammed Zia-ul-Haq proclaimed Martial Law in 1977 and assumed the office of the President of the country. The then government had to issue several martial law regulations to effectively control the aggravating situation in the country. There is one strong opinion which has effectively prevailed over the years and that is hat the process of Islamization, in fact, began the day the Qadianis were declared as non-Muslims on their negation of the finality of Prophethood in 1974. The opinion seems to carry some weight as the action of the Government of Mr. Z.A. Bhutto, declaring the Qadianis as non-Muslims, was understood as a step to have been taken for the safeguard of the basic tenents of Islam. However, it was the martial law regime under General Muhammed Zia-ul-Haq which took practical steps for the process of Islamization.
The Islamization Programme: -
The Islamization programme of General Muhammed Zia-ul-Haq contained the following steps.
1. Hadood Ordinance.
2. Qazaf Ordinance.
3. Nizaam-e-Salaat Committees.
4. Zakat Ordinance.
5. Ushr Ordinance.
(a). Central Zakat Council. (b). Provincial Zakat Council.
(c). District Zakat Committee. (d). Tehsil Zakat Committee.
6. Establishment of Federal Shariat Court.
7. Interest Free Banking.
8. Compulsory teaching of Pakistan Studies and Islamiat.
9. Ordinance for the sanctity of Ramzan-ul-Mubarak.
10. Ban of Nudity.
11. Arabic News.
12. Use of Dopatta.
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in contravention to this Ordinance was liable to three yeas imprisonment and a fine of RS. 500/-. However, hospitals, railway stations, seaports, bus stands, trains and airports were exempted from this Ordinance.
The Government in order to make Pakistan a real Islamic State strived hard to introduce Islamic System in the country.
The Government for this reason needed staunch support and cooperation from the masses. Pakistan at that time was passing through the transitory stage towards the ultimate goal of achieving an Islamic society. A very long span was required to mould Pakistan into an Islamic State.
10. Ban of Nudity: -
The Government imposed a strict ban on the display of nude posters particularly on portraying women as publicity symbols. Display of nude scenes and moving films with nudity were also banned ob the television.
11. Arabic News: -
Everyday, five minutes were reserved for Arabic news on the television. This act is still in practice. Arabic was also introduced as a compulsory subject in high schools. Great efforts were mad for teaching Arabic as a language. Arabic language courses were introduced on ‘Radio Pakistan’ and ‘Pakistan Television’ in Arabic from other medias.
12. Use of Dopatta: -
Female television announcers were forced to cover their heads with dopattas.
13. Majlis-e-Shoora: -
The President of the country, General Muhammed Zia-ul-Haq selected his Majlis-e-Shoora, the Islamic Parliament, to act as the Parliament of Pakistan in place of the National Assembly.