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Hitler - A Great Leader
In my opinion, being a good leader firstly he should be able to take full advantage of favorable circumstance, able to rule the country under a chaotic situation. Besides he made attractive promises to gain popular support, skilled in using of propaganda, amoral. Moreover he should have the organizational ability and has the ambition to make his country powerful in the world. In addition, he could use his words to twist and manipulate the minds of people into believing that what he was saying. Using this power, he could get people to do anything for him, which prove his amorality. He should be skillful in carry out successful policy to bring the country to economic prospect, since economy is very important to a country.
I think Adolf Hitler is the one. Adolf Hitler was one of the 20th century’s most powerful dictators. He was responsible for World War II and the death of millions. Hitler saw a nation in despair and used this as an opportunity to gain political power. He saw a nation of unemployed and hungry citizens and promised them economic prosperity in return for absolute power. Someone once said “The Nazis rose to power on the empty stomachs of the German people”. Although he did not live a very long life, during his time he caused such a great deal of death and destruction that his actions still have an effect on the world nearly 50 years later. I am sure that he is a great leader.
Adolf Hitler joined a small political party in 1919 and rose to leadership through his emotional and captivating speeches. He encouraged national pride, militarism, and a commitment to the Volk and a racially "pure" Germany. Hitler condemned the Jews, exploiting anti-Semitic feelings that had prevailed in Europe for centuries. He changed the name of the party to the National Socialist German Workers' Party, called for short, the Nazi Party. By the end of 1920, the Nazi Party had about 3,000 members. A year later Hitler became its official leader Fьhrer. From this, we can see his potential of being a leader and his development in his propaganda.
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In about 1923 Adolf Hitler's attempt at an armed overthrow of local authorities in Munich, known as the Beer Hall Putsch, failed miserably. Hitler, were subsequently jailed and charged with high treason. However, Hitler used the courtroom at his public trial as a propaganda platform, ranting for hours against the Weimar government. Hitler was released from prison after one year. Other Nazi leaders were given light sentences also. While in prison, Hitler wrote volume one of Mein Kampf. This shows how he good at making speech to the people. After Hitler was released from prison, he formally resurrected the Nazi Party. Hitler began rebuilding and reorganizing the Party, waiting for an opportune time to gain political power in Germany. At that time, Germany was already suffering a post-war depression and was greatly affected. Hitler used the suffering of the masses to gain political support. He gained a strong following from the middle class, the workers and the unemployed by promising to improve the economy. As economic conditions worsened, the Nazis gained more support. Hitler staged huge rallies and parades. His speeches called for a strong and proud Germany. He attacked the Jews, making them the scapegoats for all of Germany’s economic troubles. His energy on stage and his motivational style of speaking made the masses believe that they were the master race and destined to rule the world. With the fall of Stresemann, the Nazi party became the largest party in the Reichstag. In1933, Hitler was appointed as the Chancellor. This is the evidence of getting people support although there were still many opponents. He promised stability, glory, economic security, the suppression of communism and employment. He satisfied the need of different classes. Actually he is able to take full advantage of favorable circumstances created by the WWI.
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After he became the Chancellor, he controlled the mass media and the textbook, all German books, plays, film and art were strictly censored. Also at that time, all German youth had to join the Hitler Youth Movement to learn Nazi ideas. On the other hand, the German workers were forced to join the German Labour Front instead of trade unions. Other religious beliefs were all banned. Moreover, Hitler formed the Gestapo to supervise the life of the German ordinary people. Complaints against the government were illegal. Under Hitler’s rule, Germany became a police state. From the above, we can see he could use his words to twist and manipulate the minds of people into believing that what he was saying.
With Hitler such amoral people and willing to do anything, he would do what he could to benefit his countries, Germany. He started with suspended all civil liberties and used violence to crush all opposition. He actually started to carry out his promise of economic recovery by employing people in war industries as Germany prepared for war. He introduced pupil project schemes like housing scheme, road construction to absorb the unemployment. The Nazi removed the Jews, Communism and other enemies from their present employment to create vacancies for the German. Besides, he promised to rebuild the Glorious Germany of the past. First he started to build up the Wehrmacht. Germany was not allowed to have more than 100,000 men, but Hitler broke the treaty and gave orders to increase that number. Factories started putting out weapons and people now had jobs. To the Germans this was a very good sign. Mass rallies were held, where Hitler continued to use his powers of speech on the German people. Hitler succeeded in making his countries strong once again, at least for a while and he was skillful in carry out successful policy to bring the country to economic prospect .
As he was not self interested and always considered the country first. He want to expand Germany in order to raise the nation status of Germany, he carried out the aggressive expansionist policy. Germany withdrew from the League of Nation and began to violate the Versailles Settlement by rearming the country in secret. In 1936, Italy and Germany jointly intervened in the Spanish Civil War. Later on, Hitler and Mussolini signed the Berlin-Rome Axis with Italy. In March 1938 German troops occupied Austria, which was a German speaking state. In march1939, another German-populated area, the Stdetenland of Czechoslovakia, was occupied by Germany. In September 1939, Germany invaded Poland to enlarge her German territory. Again we can see Hitler’s organizational ability and the ambition to make his country powerful in the world.
Adolf Hitler was a great leader; his overall success must be attributed to the conditions, which existed in Post War Germany, and Hitler's great talent as a speaker and a politician. His rise to power was not inevitable, it must be noted that he greatly used the conditions of the time in his favor. The power that he held was total .he was gifted in the ability to use propaganda and brainwash people, which in turn proves that he was unethical, and desired to make his countries better and stronger. As Germany can recovered so soon after the WW1 and joined the WWII, Hitler contributed a lot. Therefore, he was a great leader .