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Интернет-порталы, которые помогут вам успешно сдать ЕГЭ. 1 / Автор: Miriada
Если бы вы инвестировали 00 в Amazon 10 лет назад, вот сколько у вас было бы сейчас 2 / Автор: admin
Методические рекомендации для выпускников по самостоятельной подготовке к ЕГЭ 2 / Автор: admin
В Минпросвещения допустили повторный перенос даты сдачи ЕГЭ 1 / Автор: admin
ЕГЭ не отменят из-за коронавируса, но проведут позже 1 / Автор: admin
Рособрнадзор будет выявлять нарушения во время ЕГЭ 2020 с помощью нейросетей 1 / Автор: admin
ФИПИ опубликовал проекты контрольных измерительных материалов ЕГЭ-2020, существенных изменений нет 4 / Автор: admin
Рособрнадзор проанализировал поступившие предложения по совершенствованию ЕГЭ 2 / Автор: admin

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Детские игровые комплексы 0 / Раздел: Помогаем друг другу
Мягкая кровать без изголовья 2 / Раздел: Помогаем друг другу
Очень нужно купить права на трактор 0 / Раздел: Помогаем друг другу
кто знает бактерицидные лампы где можно приобрести? 2 / Раздел: Помогаем друг другу
мне нужен магазин со стройматериалами 3 / Раздел: Помогаем друг другу
Можно ли накрутить голосование в конкурсе? 4 / Раздел: Помогаем друг другу
Управление медиафайлами 0 / Раздел: Помогаем друг другу
Скажите, пожалуйста, вот в маршрутках в которых мы ездим 3 / Раздел: ВУЗЫ РОССИИ
Изучение итальянского языка 5 / Раздел: Помогаем друг другу

К оглавлению /

Dead Poets Society

This is a practise english essay for my year 9 exams. If you could give me as much critism as possible it would be much appreciated. Thanks

If you would like to give me tips your welcome to email me will_152@hotmail.com

"It was Mr Keating's blatant abuse of position as teacher that led directly to Neil's death."

Welton was a dull and unexciting school before the highly qualified Mr. Keating came to Welton. Mr. Keating was a previous student and taught the boys many valuable lessons.

Neil made his own choices but Mr. Perry (Neil’s Father) restricted Neil doing what he loved. Mr. Keating taught the class to do their own thing; Neil had a passion for acting long before Keating came to Welton. Mr. Keating told the students to make the most out of life and not do stupid things but still be daring. Neil committed suicide because he felt trapped between his passion of acting and his father’s ambitions for him.

The reason Neil was unhappy in the first place is because he wanted to act while his father was focused on Neil becoming a doctor. “You’re going to Harvard and you’re going to become a doctor.” Mr. Perry demanded when he took Neil home after the theatre play. Mr. Perry wants to live his ambitions that he never got through his son. But because he never cared to listen to Neil, he makes Neil suffer by not letting him do what he loves. The conflict between Neil’s passion for acting and Mr. Perry forcing Neil to become a doctor ruins Neil’s life. Keating never told Neil to follow acting and it was Neil’s Idea to avoid his father about it.

Keating told the class to strive to find their own voice, to break out and make their lives extraordinary. Neil had loved acting all his life. “I’m going be an actor, ever since I can remember I’ve wanted to try this” Neil yells as he jumps up and down with excitement. Even though Mr. Keating encouraged the boys to seize the day, it was no abuse as a teacher. Neil had loved acting as long as he could remember.

When Mr. Dalton nearly got expelled for writing in the school newspaper that Welton should have girls, Mr. Keating told him off. “Sucking the marrow out of life doesn’t mean choking on the bone.” Keating tells Mr. Dalton in front of the DPS. Mr. Keating knows when something is stupid and daring. Mr. Keating takes the responsibility as a teacher to tell the boys what a stupid thing Mr. Dalton did.

In the end Mr. Keating is sacked. Neil’s father needs the guilt over Neil’s death off his conscience and the school needs a scapegoat to protect their reputation. It was Neil’s idea to deceive his father and follow acting; it had nothing to do with Mr. Keating. Neil’s passion for acting began long before Mr. Keating came to Welton. Mr. Keating didn’t encourage them to do stupid things and when they did go too far he let them know. Mr. Keating was sacked as well as Mr. Dalton. Mr. Keating was going to get the blame as soon as they started to pin it on someone. He was vulnerable and the teachers had their suspicions. Mr. Keating did not abuse his position as a teacher and taught the class lessons they will never forget.

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