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True Romance
Once again, Quentin Tarantino outdoes himself. The movie True Romance was excellent. It presented real issues that some people are forced to deal with in their lives. The title of the movie is misleading. You would think this was going to be a love story. Actually it is, but unlike any love story I've ever seen. It's filled with violence, action, blood, guts and gore. Like most other Tarantino movies it revolves around the violence we rarely see or experience in our lives. He also incorporates drugs and racism, hate and love and his usual corny way of portraying them.
In Tarantino films, violence is presented in a totally different approach than movies like Rambo or Die Hard. Although you have the same amount of people dying, Tarantino seems to have this perverted and gruesome way of presenting it to his audiences.
He always takes violence to the extreme. In the scene with the pimp he doesn't just shoot the pimp in the back or chest. He goes right for the gusto...his balls! Another example of this is when Dennis Hopper was killed. We all knew what happened to him, but Tarantino makes sure he shows us the oozing bullet wound to his head. Some people think this is taking violence too far; however, acts of this nature happen in the real world every day. I guess this is his way of giving us a "reality check." Shit like this happens to people. We are so sheltered in our comfortable little worlds we don't even realize this kind of stuff goes on. Variety. Isn't it supposed to be the "spice of life?" Well, Tarantino gets so damn spicy it can make you sweat bullets.
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What is it about violence that is so attractive to the general public? There are so many people who would rather see a violent movie than a movie filled with romance or adventure. If you were to compare the revenues from box office earnings I'm almost positive the movies filled with blood and guts earn much more than other movies. Naturally, if a person in the movie industry knows this will make them mega bucks , they will continue to make movies like this to make more money.
Tarantino tends to slide in a little racism in his flicks. It's pretty obvious it's not the main topic, but it is apparent. Hopper was unique when he told the Sicilian guy his great, great, great, great grandmother had slept with a nigger and that's why he had dark skin and brown eyes. I think Hopper knew he was a goner and wanted to insult the hell out of the guy before he died! He was so casual about the whole thing. He just sat back smoking the dudes cigarette and blasting his family.
There are so many people who say this kind of movie affects people in a negative way. They think it has an impact on criminal behavior. That's bullshit. I have seen violence in movies and on television and I haven't had the smallest inkling to go out and kill anyone or anything. I believe if a person has it in them to commit these kinds of acts they will do it regardless of what they see on T.V. or in the movies. Their moral upbringing or lack of one would be a bigger contributing factor than viewing a movie.
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Movies are made to entertain. The social issues they touch on are just that, issues. The controversy they create comes solely from the opinions of the viewers. Isn't that half the fun of watching a controversial movie? It gives our minds food for thought. It affords us the opportunity to discuss what we have seen with our friends. We can learn from listening to how other people perceive things. THAT is what makes a movie great!