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Reservoir Dogs
Gangsters, violence, murder and corruption. If these are some of the things that you're into, then this is your kind of movie. Be ready to watch it more than once to be sure to get all the movie has to offer because it jumps from subject to subject and can be a little confusing.
The movie on the whole was really great. It was filled with some pretty gory scenes and extreme violent content, Tarantinos' trademark. The way he portrays the real life aspects of crime and violence are unbelievable. I wonder if he experienced some of these things himself and that's why he has a realistic view of them. Then again, I can't really gauge how realistic any of these themes are because after watching this kind of movie it makes me feel like I lead a really sheltered lifestyle.
Why does all the violence in Tarantinos' movies become so attractive to us normal people? I think it's because most of his material is underworld stuff. He deals with things we can barely relate to. Topics that are so far fetched to a "normal" person that they kind of hypnotize us into watching. Things happen in his movies that are so bizarre, we can't begin to imagine them happening to us in real life.
The weird part is, many of these things DO happen every day. We all know there really are gangsters, mobsters and really low-life people that involve themselves in what we think of as underworld crime. Drug deals.... on a level so great... amounts we can't begin to comprehend. Murders, for whatever reason. Even the thought of hiring someone to kill someone else gives us a goose bump or three. In his movies it's almost like borrowing a cup of sugar from your next door neighbor. Chopping off someone's ear would repulse me and probably make me want to spew my lunch. Tarantinos' characters chop off ears then talk into them as if they were using ma bell.
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His characters attitudes are totally ruthless. They could give a shit if you were the cousin of the president or a nanny. They have a job to do and they do it. No holes barred, no questions asked, no thought given to actions or consequences. They are almost like robots, zombies of the underworld that have no emotions or respect for the value of life. You would think these characters are drugged or brainwashed, but they're not. It amazes me that people do this kind of shit as if it were just another day. It's as second nature to them as brushing our teeth every morning is to us.
Belonging. Everyone likes to feel like they fit in. There is a certain comfort level in belonging to something, anything. Even if it is to a gang of criminal types. I think that's another reason we all relate or get captured by viewing these kinds of movies. I can only compare it to a fraternity; fraternity brothers all belong to an organized group. They have similar interests, goals and acquaintances. All Tarantinos' characters have these things in common. Although they aren't exactly what we would consider acceptable, they all still feel this common bond. It's a sick kind of thing though. When you think of all the things life has to offer, why would you want to involve yourself in all this complicated criminal shit? They jeopardize their own existence because even though they are considered members of the organization, they would snuff each other out in the blink of an eye if the right person told them to do it!
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I have to admit I was totally awed by his movie. I couldn't wait for the next scene to start. As a movie maker, his ideas and the way he presents them are phenomenal. He definitely captures his viewers. You don't even want to blink for fear of missing something. I would like to see him do a movie about topics that aren't so bizarre just to see if the movies would be as good.