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Mr. Keating an excellent teacher.
I loved the movie because of the positive emotional feeling which I felt. I completely agree that Mr. Keating was an excellent teacher. The acting was so good, and I became attached to the characters. Robin Williams who is one of my favorite actors does a miraculous job playing Mr. Keating.
The ‘Dead Poets Society” is a movie about an English teacher, Mr. Keating, who is determent to teach the students "free thinking”. Because the main plague of this elite school is “Tradition. Discipline. Honor. Excellence,” everything is done the same. The boys learn what they have to learn, without exploring all the other possibilities. The students are basically cooped up in very typical classrooms with very strict teaching. They are shocked at Mr. Keating's new way of teaching, but in time start to respect him. The other teachers and parents didn’t like his ways of teaching. A few students found out he was a member of a secret group called the Dead Poet's Society while he attended the school. Some of the boys asked him about it, and afterwards decided to re-open the club again. The young people find an interest in poetry and other things besides history and chemistry. The story ended very tragically, but as at the same time I felt that humanity still was above cruelty.
The movie Dead Poet’s Society contains many typical characters which exist in our society. These characters change because of their teacher, Mr. Keating. He teaches his students many lessons, but his main lesson is Carpe Diem, or seize the day. Knox, Todd, and Neil take this teaching to heart and allow it to change their lives. They are dynamic young boys who overcome their fear and seize the day. Due to the lessons of Mr. Keating the three undermentioned teenagers made attempts of own decision considerations.
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Knox seizes the day by overcoming his fear of love and the fear of pursuing Chris. He was able to go against the threat from Chet Danberry by calling her and asking her out. To show his feelings Knox also writes a poem to Chris. She does not seem to really care for Knox until they go to the play together. At the play Knox forgets about all of his fear and decides to either be accepted or rejected by Chris. Chris does accept him and his risks were rewarded. It is a fact, Knox leaves his lack of self-confidence behind and is able to live his life to the fullest.
Neil seizes the day by overcoming his fear of his father and going after his acting dreams. Neil goes behind his father’s back and tries out for a play. Surprisingly he gets the main part in the play. Neil doesn’t follow his father’s orders and instead goes on with the show. Everyone, including Mr. Keating, was amazed by Neil’s performance. Neil’s father was angry with him and decided to put Neil in military school. In the result of such harassments Neil commits suicide. This example shows that if a person, like Neil, wants to seize the day he won’t be able to do it, because of the outside force.
Todd sucks the marrow out of life by getting over his fear of acceptance and beginning to lead. All of Todd’s life he has lived in the shadow of his older brother. As a result, he feels that everything he says and does is worthless. In the beginning, Todd doesn’t even have the confidence to read a poem in front of the class, but by the end, through Mr. Keating’s positive influence, Todd is rapidly changing. Mr. Keating shows Todd that his opinion does matter, and what it means to lead. Todd starts discovering who he really is and respect himself. At the end of the movie Todd leads the class in showing respect to Mr. Keating for teaching them so much about themselves.
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The story of Mr. Keating indicates that positive changes in one’s life can happen due to the risks that someone can take. People themselves choose directions in there own live and there choices can be positive or negative. In the result of any choice that is made there is a consequence. All of the three followers of Mr. Keating have made choices were risk was taken.
Knox, Neil, and Todd were able to overcome their fears, by doing that they gained their internal freedom. Finally, the main characters were able to learn how to be human with a clear conscience.