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FULL NAME: State of Idaho
Rank: 43rd
CAPITAL CITY Boise, the largest city in the state, located
on the Boise River in southwestern Idaho; population 125,738.
Originally an army camp, it was founded as a settlement in 1863
and was incorporated as a city the following year, when it also
became the territorial capital.
an artificial Indian word invented by George M. Willing. Also
known as the Gem State and the Gem of the Mountains (the putative
meaning of "Idaho").
STATE SEAL In the center is a shield showing a landscape,
with the Snake River, mountains, a fir tree, and a farmer at the
plow. Above the shield is an elk's head and the
state motto on a scroll; below it is a sheaf of wheat; to the
right is a miner; to the left a woman holding symbols of justice
and liberty. Along the bottom are agricultural symbols, including
two cornucopias, the state flower, and ripened wheat. The yellow
border reads "Great Seal of the State of Idaho."
The western state of Idaho belongs to the Mountain states. It
is bordered on the north by Canada, on the east by Montana and
Wyoming, on the south by Nevada and Utah, and on the west by Oregon,
Washington, and the Snake River. It ranks 42nd in population and
14th in area among the states.
MOTTO Esto Perpetua (It Is Forever)
SONG "Here We Have Idaho," lyrics by McKinley Helm and
Albert J. Tompkins, music by Sallie Hume Douglas.
Flower syringa Tree white pine Bird mountain bluebird Gem star
garnet Horse Appaloosa FLAG A blue field with the state seal in
the center and below it a red band bearing the legend "State
of Idaho."
As a Rocky Mountain state, Idaho is dominated by mountain terrain,
with the Continental Divide forming Idaho's eastern border. The
state contains some of the largest stretches of unspoiled wilderness
in the continental U.S., with a wide diversity of flora and game.
Idaho also boasts more than 2,000 lakes and ten major rivers.
Heavily irrigated farmland lines the Snake River valley, the state's
major drainage; Hell's Canyon, along
the western Snake River, is the deepest gorge-about one mile in
depth-in North America.
ELEVATIONS Highest point-. Borah Peak, Cus-
ter County, 12,662 feet. Lowest point. Snake River, Nez Perce
County, 710 feet. Mean elevation: 5,000 feet
MAJOR RIVERS Snake, Salmon, Clearwater
MAJOR LAKES Pend Oreille, Coeur d'Alene, Priest, Bear,
American Falls, Cascade, and Dworshak
TEMPERATURES (1990) The highest recorded temperature was 118°F
on July 28, 1934, at Orotino. The lowest was -60°F on January
18, 1943, at Island Park Dam.
SOME INFORMATION: The Idaho potato remains the state's most
important cash crop, followed by wheat, sugar beets, alfalfa,
beans, truck vegetables, and peas. Cattle are the main livestock.
Total farm receipts were over $2.7 billion in 1989. Manufacturing
in the state is centered around potato and beet-sugar processing,
lumber products, and chemicals. Silver, lead, and zinc, sand,
gravel, basalt, pumice, garnet, and phosphate are the principle
mining products. As in many Western states, tourism is one of
the fastest growing industries, as visitors flock to see Idaho's
spectacular national and state parks.
Among states, Idaho ranks high in the generation of energy from
renewable resources -mainly hydropower and woodburning. The Columbia
and Snake River system, which passes through the state, is one
of the most endangered in the nation, in part due to Idaho's heavy
use of irrigation. In fact, Idahoans use more water per capita
than the inhabitants of any other state. Among the species threatened
by declining river levels is the sockeye salmon, which is nearly
extinct in Idaho.
Idaho was formerly home to the Kalispel, Nehelem, Northern Paiute,
Palouse, and Spokane tribes. Groups that continue to live there
include the Bannock, Coeur d'Alene, Kootenay, Nez Perce, Northern
Shoshoni, and Western Shoshoni. Native Americans were 1.4 percent
of the population in 1990.
More than half of Idaho's population was born in Idaho; the rest
is drawn mainly from the western and north central states. There
is also a large community of Basques, originally from Spain, who
continue their tradition of sheep-herding. Among churchgoers,
Mormons are the biggest group, followed by Catholics and Methodists.
In 1990, 2.9 percent of the population was foreign-born, with
the majority of immigrants coming from Mexico and Canada; 6.4
percent of the population spoke languages other than English at
home, of which the ten most common were Spanish, German, French,
Japanese, Shoshoni, Chinese, Basque, Thai (Laotian), Portuguese,
and Italian. Catholics and Methodists. In 1990, 2.9 percent of
the population was foreign-born, with the majority of immigrants
coming from Mexico and Canada; 6.4 percent of the population spoke
languages other than English at home, of which the ten most common
were Spanish, German, French, Japanese, Shoshoni, Chinese, Basque,
Thai (Laotian), Portuguese, and Italian.
Boise Gallery of Art Idaho State Historical Museum, Boise
Boise Opera Boise Philharmonic Association
Idaho has the only state seal designed by a woman-Emma Sarah
Edwards. The seal was officially adopted on March 14, 1891.
Democrat Moses Alexander, Idaho governor from 1915 to 1919, was
the nation's first full-term Jewish governor.
Idaho's Craters of the Moon National Monument, a region of volcanic
craters and ash-strewn low hills, was used by NASA as a training
ground for Apollo astronauts.
The state's hydroelectric power plants, with 1 million-plus kilowatt
capacity, use less than ten percent of Idaho's hydroelectric potential.
Idaho's stretch of U.S. Highway 12 runs along the route taken
by the Lewis and Clark expedition in 1805. Only one major highway
runs north-south in the state; when that is blocked in winter,
vehicular travel between the upper and lower parts of the state
is nearly impossible.
Boise Gallery of Art Idaho State Historical Museum, Boise
MAJOR ARTS ORGANIZATIONS Boise Opera Boise Philharmonic
SHORT: Throughout the 1860's, Idaho experienced a gold
rush that drew scores of prospectors but left a lot of ghost towns.
These relics of instant communities are found in many parts of
the state. Mining? However? Is still important. Idaho ranks first
internationally in the production of silver? Lead? Zinc? Copper
and cobalt.
The famed Sunshine Mince, a long and largest lode producer of
silver in the United States? Is there. In May 1972. A fire in
the Sunshine sent lethal carbon monoxide and smoke wafting through
100 miles of workings. The death toll of miners was a staggering
91 people.
Of all commercial activities in the state, Idaho leans most heavily
on agriculture for its economic well-being. It is the tenth largest
producer of wheat in the nation and the leader in potatoes.
The Idaho potato, like the Georgia peach, remains something of
an American institution. But it is the cattle industry that is
responsible for the largest single share in annual farm-marketing
cash receipts. Tourism, now the third-ranked industry, is one
the rise, with an estimated 6 million yearly visitors.
There are more than 25 established ski areas in Idaho, including
that dowager of winter resorts, Sun Valley.
Celebrated in song and film, Sun Valley has worn its fame well
down through the years.
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