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Последние публикации в коллективном блоге:

Интернет-порталы, которые помогут вам успешно сдать ЕГЭ. 1 / Автор: Miriada
Если бы вы инвестировали 00 в Amazon 10 лет назад, вот сколько у вас было бы сейчас 2 / Автор: admin
Методические рекомендации для выпускников по самостоятельной подготовке к ЕГЭ 2 / Автор: admin
В Минпросвещения допустили повторный перенос даты сдачи ЕГЭ 1 / Автор: admin
ЕГЭ не отменят из-за коронавируса, но проведут позже 1 / Автор: admin
Рособрнадзор будет выявлять нарушения во время ЕГЭ 2020 с помощью нейросетей 1 / Автор: admin
ФИПИ опубликовал проекты контрольных измерительных материалов ЕГЭ-2020, существенных изменений нет 4 / Автор: admin
Рособрнадзор проанализировал поступившие предложения по совершенствованию ЕГЭ 2 / Автор: admin

Посещаемые разделы форума:
ЕГЭ 2021, ВУЗы России

Последние обсуждаемые темы на форуме:

Детские игровые комплексы 0 / Раздел: Помогаем друг другу
Мягкая кровать без изголовья 2 / Раздел: Помогаем друг другу
Очень нужно купить права на трактор 0 / Раздел: Помогаем друг другу
кто знает бактерицидные лампы где можно приобрести? 2 / Раздел: Помогаем друг другу
мне нужен магазин со стройматериалами 3 / Раздел: Помогаем друг другу
Можно ли накрутить голосование в конкурсе? 4 / Раздел: Помогаем друг другу
Управление медиафайлами 0 / Раздел: Помогаем друг другу
Скажите, пожалуйста, вот в маршрутках в которых мы ездим 3 / Раздел: ВУЗЫ РОССИИ
Изучение итальянского языка 5 / Раздел: Помогаем друг другу

К оглавлению /

Worlds Population

The world’s population is an important issue. The earth is a sphere, which means that it has certain limitations and in particular, there are limits to growth of things that consume the earth and that live on.

Many people believe that that the resources of the Earth and of the human intellect are enormous that population growth can continue and that there is no danger that we will ever run out of anything. Yet, many people had predicted that shortages of natural resources that would follow because of continued population growth. Countries try not to raise this subject to the public much because they do not want to raise panic. Yet now they have to do something about it before it gets out of hand. They try to censor it and some times lie. , "Nonsense, people are not a drain on the resources of the planet."

Overpopulation is like a big magnifying glass making little problems into big ones. Overpopulation is destroying the environment, lowering the standard of living, and generally degrading the quality of life.

Overpopulation also causes more violence and riots, Land degradation, Tropical forest destruction, global warming, less food available, damaged coral reefs, as it grows more genetically made food will be eaten-has upset the nutrient balance within natural foods. People would have to work more years to pay for a home it also causes air, water pollution, and destroys animals and their habitats.

A few things, which we can to lower the population, are:

  • Have fewer children
  • Learn about population
  • Teach others about it and raise awareness it
  • Support the cause

    For hundreds of thousands of years, the human population grew at a low but steadily increasing rate. Then in less than 200 years, the world population went from 1 billion to 6 billion. The planet urgently needs population control. The human species should not feel entitled to extinct other species as a birthright. Birth control, abortion and quotas need to be supported, if the planet is to remain habitable in the long term.

    Every second five people are born and two people die a gain of three people. At this rate, the world population is doubling every 40 years and would be: 12 billion in 40 years, 24 billion in 80 years, 48 billion in 120 years, Every day: 200 million couples make love 100 million billion sperms are released 50 million ovules are produced 800,000 are fertilised 400,000 babies come to life

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