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Rwanda, a republic in East central Africa, bounded on the north by Uganda, on the East by Tanzania, on the South by Burundi, and on the West by Lake Kivu and Ziare. Rwanda covers an area of 10,169 sq. mi. Rwanda’s flag has 3 vertical stripes of red, yellow, and green with a capitol R in the yellow stripe. 44.2% of the population is between the ages of 0 to 14. Only 6% of Rwanda is urban (live in cities). They produce no oil or steel which are very important resources. Over 93% of the population is in agriculture, and most of the rest are industry/commerce. This is not good considering that so much of the population farms and they don’t have barely any industry. The per capita GDP (how much each person produces, including children and aged) is $440. A little bit less than 10% of the citizens own a motor vehicle of some sort. Life expectancy in Rwanda is only 40%, and infant mortality rates is about 1:10 or 112:1000. The literacy rate in Rwanda is about 50% which is considered underdeveloped.
Rwanda has 3 main seasons: a short dry season in January, the major rainy season from February through May, and another dry season from May to September. Average daily temperature is 73 F. The principle mineral resources are cassiterite (tin ore), wolframite (tungsten ore), columbite, tantalite, beryl, and gold. Large natural gas reserves, found near the border of Ziare are being developed. Three ethnic groups make up the population: the Hutu (90%), the Tutsi (9%), and Twa (1%). The official languages are Kinyarwanda and French. About 65% of the population is Roman Catholic, 9% muslim, 9% protestant, and 17% of the people follow traditional religions. In 1991 the population in Rwanda was 7,164,994. The annual rate of population growth in 1991 was 3.4%. Most Rwandans live in round grass huts in farms scattered over the country’s many hills. Their diet consists of sweet potatoes and beans, with banannas, corn, peas, millet, and fruits added in season. Beer and milk are the main beverages. Cattle are looked at as a sign of wealth in Rwanda. Many Rwandans make pottery, baskets, paintings, jewelry, wood carving, metalwork, and gourd containers.Rwanda has a substinence economy, even though the country suffers from soil erosion, occational droughts, and famines, making Rwanda heavily dependent on foreign assistance. Currency: 237 Rwanda francs equal U.S. $1. Chief exports are coffee and tea. Only 7% of roads in Rwanda are paved the rest is gravel or dirt. AIDS is by far the most serious health issue. Eighteen percent of urban Rwandans tested positive for the virus that causes AIDS in 1989. Government is one political part: the National Revolutionary Movement for Development. Executive power is vested in a president, assisted by an appointed council of ministers, legislative power was exercised by an elected National Development Council.
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All in all Rwanda is a country that needs help in industry, healthcare, farming, housing, education, and many other things. Rwanda is the poorest country in Africa and Africa itself is pretty poor. They have a decent Government and I believe if they could get that together they could be something of a country.
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