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Music plays an important role in people’s life. It forms people’s internal world, helps correctly understand occurring events and bring up taste. Outstanding German musician Ludwig van Beethoven told: “Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy. Famous Russian sculptor Konenkov told: “I never would become the artist, if from childhood would not grow fond music” Music expresses most beautiful and sincere feelings. It is difficult to imagine a person, who would not love music. But everyone understands the role of music by different ways: Superficial or deep and of cause different types of music: Serious and thoughtless. But it doesn’t mean that serious music is good music and thoughtless – bad. Simple and thoughtless music is very popular today. It is easier to hear and understand it. Nowadays that kind of music called “POP music”. It includes such styles of music as jazz, rock, rap, disco and so on. Such music is necessary to the man, it lifts mood, and also it is easily remembered. Music by Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Chaykovsky, Grig, Schubert, Rachmaninov – is classic music. it is necessary to learn, to understand it and it is quite accessible to everyone. It is necessary gradually to prepare itself for acquaintance to serious music. Also it is good to learn and find out some information about the composer, about his time, and maybe read literary product to which music is written. Despite of it, classical music is not less popular than POP music. Leading composers are connected to progressive public movements, life, interests and aspirations people. Each nation differs by peculiar national features. Folk music, being improved by creative efforts of many generations of the people, reaches a high degree of art maturity. On the basis of riches of national music professional musical creativity of composers is developed. Rejection of music from advanced ideas epoch of national culture, national roots of art leads to it's to decline and degeneration. In the simplest terms music can be described as the juxtaposition of two elements that involve pitch and duration and that are usually called melody and rhythm. Millions of people like music and can’t imagine their life without it. Music affects the emotions in different ways. Music arouses deep emotions and makes people think. It gives people new energy and optimism, besides music is a wonderful rest, a good way to remove from tiredness and tension, it may just clam a person make him think of some think. People like different music. Some enjoy only formal music of the 18th century; others prefer romantic music; still others respond only to the modern music of today. There are those who enjoy none of these kinds of music, but the simple folk music of the countryside. There are no right or wrong in this – it is simply a matter of varying sensitivity of different personalities to various kinds of music. The questions, which arise, are how to teach the young people to distinguish between faddish, tasteless imitations and music of enduring quality. Of course classical music is a complicated and exclusive art but it always occupies a worthy place in musical culture. Classical music gives the listener keen delight. It appeals to our intellect. It also has an ethical effect because it changes the listener for the better. The life of a man is very different, sometimes happy, and sometimes dramatic, music gives us possibility to find new strength, to get new energy and desires. That is why each generation and every epoch have their own music to express their desires, hopes and ideals. Nowadays there are a lot of new ideas in music. We can speak about new musical technology. In less than ten years, video, compact discs and computers all became important in the pop industry. Thanks to compact discs, the quality of record sound is better than ever. Thanks to computers it is possible to play and record thousands of new sounds.
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