People can associate with each other talking on their own language. But it’s too hard to understand people all over the world because they are speaking different languages. But there is one way that always gives possibility to understand each other. It’s art. Moreover it can tell more in every genre of it than if you say in words. The art have borned with human. And it is known from the ancient times when everybody was dressed in skin and was living in caves. As we know they draw on the walls of the caves also tried to be dressed in a better skin and made the things they need from different material they could find. But the centuries passed. And with the development of human creative qualities appeared more genres of art. In my opinion the art is consisted of simple things in which human can see and then show something marvelous, interesting, unique and also put a part of himself in it. There are a lot of genres of art: painting, music, architecture, cinema and others. But I would like to tell you about painting. This genre of art is one of the most ancient. In other words it connects us with past centuries. Artists show the things they see and how do they see it and then express it on their pictures. Moreover their pictures are often connected with the time they live. Because in every part of time people have different minds and it develops, so the art doesn’t stay on one point. And in every part of time art has it’s own name and have differences among others. Some of the genres become popular some not. There are a lot of genres of painting: portrait, landscape, still life and others. And looking at the picture it’s not hard to say in what century this picture was painted. This year in English we talked a lot about English painting. So I want to tell you about it and some of the greatest painters of 17th-19th centuries. This time is really important because of the number of great painters. They were greatly influenced by foreign painters. And of coarse we cannot forget about such artist like Van Dyck the father of English portrait, William Hogarth who raised pictorial art to a high level, Joshua Reynolds the most outstanding portraitist of 18th century and Thomas Gainsborough portraitist and landscape painter. But I’d like to tell you more about Thomas Gainsborough one of the greatest masters of English school. One of the most famous works is the portrait of the Duches of Beufort. His portraits were painted in clear tones. He influenced greatly the English school of landscape. He painted his native land and he was one of the first English painters who did it. And his paintings “Sunset” and “The Bridge” are one of his works painted on this theme. He was so poetic by his nature and we can feel it looking at his paintings. No doubt he was more landscape painter then portraitist. In conclusion I want to say that everybody has to try to feel the art. Because I don’t believe that there is no genre of art that cannot touch the heart of human because everybody can feel.
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