As I understand the world of religion, it is a special world outlook, spiritual belief, confession, sacred cult, special behavior. People choose themselves the idol, for them it is not a fantasy but a real person, it's ideal in everything, it's a teacher, tutor & friend, whom people can tell about their secrets, sins, ask it for a help or advice. In general the whole religion is based on the belief in God or in different forms of God.
In the world there are a lot of different religions, old & new, widely spread or not. But only some of them are recognized nowadays as international. Religions such as Christianity, Presbyterian Church, Anglican Church, Orthodox Church, Islam, Roman Catholic, Hinduism, Buddhism.
I'll speak about the Anglican Church. It is the established Church in England. It is one of the protestant churches that were founded in 16th century in the period of great reformation. Now there are many Anglican churches in Canada and Australia. There are about 30 millions Anglicans in the world.
The Presbyterian is the main Church of Scotland. It was founded the 16th century. It is against the Anglican Church & absolutism. The highest assembly is at the head of Presbyterian Church. In our days these churches are in Scotland, England, Ireland, and USA.
The Roman Catholic is the main church of Ireland. It was founded in the 17th century. The Rome's Father is at the head of it.
There is a debate about the reasons why the importance of religion has been declining in Britain during last years. One view is that religion is in decline & people are less religious in their behavior & attitude. The other view is that although church attendance has declined, people are still as religious as they used to be. People do no longer attend churches 'cause church attendance is not necessary in order to be respectable as it was in Victorian Britain. Instead those who do attend it, attend it though a much stronger sense of commitment.
What the church has really lost is any significant power to influence political decisions. Most religious appointments of the Church of England are decided by politicians. The growth of science & rational thought, the weakening of traditional religious values, the loss of family traditions to attend church services together, the lack of political role of the church, the growth of material values - all these things to some extent have destroyed the traditionally accepted norms of religious behavior in society.
In Britain with the population 58 million people, the main religion is Christianity (Anglican Community or Church of Scotland) - 19%, the Roman Catholic - 8%.
Nowadays there has been also a massive increase of non-Christ religions such as Islam, Hinduism.
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