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К оглавлению /

In My Opinions on the Problems Between Israel and Palestine

In My Opinions on the Problems Between Israel and Palestine


Academic Director. WANG Ruiqin Education Philosophy Social Sciences Humane Studies And Art Research Centre Website:www.wiseroom.net E-mail:rqwaaa@yahoo.com.cn ,rqw998@yahoo.com.cn Tel:86 471 4991597 Tel :86 13514717264[Only receive the message of words]


Mr.WANG Ruiqin

Bank: Bank of China ( Xin Cheng Dong Jie Office, Huhhot Branch) Account: 1314 8102 0008 769 All Right Reserved.If an editor who would like to publish the paper,do please send the pament for the paper to Mr.WANG Ruiqin

The Problems Between Israel and Palestine have already become the historical problems which could not be solved in the last thousands years.Though we have been trying to find a series of new possible ways to deal with them in the morden time,however,we should realize and understand that the historical problems could not be solved in one day,one year or ten years.Just like the fact that the water has frozen up can not be attributed to the coldness of one single day.So we must be patient.

In my opinion,to each man,the existence and living are his first and original need,the second need is the adequate food,clothing and houses,the third need is to develop the individual character of the man himself freely.And we could also say that the first need of each man is economy,the second need is education,the third need is democracy.In 21st century,the catalyst is the three factors:the economy,education and the globalation.

Israel is being in the state of the third need of man,he is a developed country.Palestine is only being in the state of the first need of man,he is a developing country,and there are many many things about the aspects of the first and second need required to be done in this country.I found that there are many uneducated Palestinian children and the young to have been involved in the conflicts which broke out between Israel and Palestine.In Palestine ,there are so less the opportunies of educationand job,each Palestinian who live in the area and territory must face the requirements of food and existence every day.And the most opportunies of work are appearing and existing in Israel now,when Israel shut up the boundary,what should the younger Palestinians do?

To Israel,in my opinion,his key object is to deal with the historical problems with Palestine properly.Because"Neighours are dearer than distant relatives"[Chinese old proverb].The focal questions of Palestine are economy and education.Being uneducated and having not enough food to eat,Palestinians easily to be influenced and affected by any religious and political reasons.And also because Israel always carry out the policy of returning evil for evil to treat any little attacks of Palestinians in rough ways.So a spark of quarrel often cause a big conflict under this circumsances.Israel should understand the fact that he can not eliminate or enslave Palestinians forever,though he has had enough strong military.He must face the reality.Only Israel change his current policy and help Palestine in economy,education and democracy,can the relation between the both sides be improved. To Palestine,his key object is to develop its economy and education,and to improve the relation with Israel.Only Israel and Palestine negotiate with each other under the surveillance of UN,and the both sides make some necessary concessions to each other,can the peace treaty be reached and can the peace time be appearing in the future.

To deal with the probleams,in my opinions,the two sides should create a series of new play regulations before the peace treaty could be reached.First,the hot line between the two leaders of Israel and Palestine should be set up,so the two leaders can exchange their opinions and deal with the conflicts at once.Israel and Palestine should govern jointly the controversial territory and area under the supervision of UN .And the union patrols joined by the police of Israel and Palestine should be formed.

Second,under the help and surveillance of UN,the policies of peace and development,and the conciliatory policy should be jointly formulated and carried out by the two sides.Israel must realize and understand that only he help Palestine in the aspects of economy,education and democracy,can the relation between him and Palestine be improved.Only the condition of economy,education and democracy in Palestine have been improved ,can the whole democratic qualities of Palestinians be improved,and the conflicts between the two sides will be disappearing gradually.In my opinion,if one helps other ,it also means that ,at the same time ,he helps himself,especially, under this circumstance. ======================================================

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