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Has Progressive Dialectial Materialist Islamo-Fascism reached its Apogee in Post-National Anarcho-Sy
Although relatively undocumented, the links between Progressive Dialectial Materialist Islamo-Fascism and Post-National Anarcho-Syndicalist Lesbianism are concrete and close. In this essay I aim to explicate the connections, give a brief of summary of academic literature on this controversial topic, and further progress onto the directions that both Progressive Dialectial Materialist Islamo-Fascism and Post-National Anarcho-Syndicalist Lesbianism and Progressive Dialectial Materialist Islamo-Fascism.
On the outset it would perhaps that these two ideologies were strange bedfollows. Islam, with its strict moral tenure, and Anarcho-Syndicalist Lesbanism, with its supposed apostasy and suicidal tendencies. But is it really? In this "Brave New World" (no pun intended!) after September 11th, we have seen great ideological fluidity in the evolution of new broad-based coalitions that strive to shore up support in the wake of new threats.
The extreme leftist, radical and progressive wing of Lesbianism, and the extreme-rightist Islamo-Fascism do however seem to be on a collison course. After all, if we cease to classify political ideologies in the conventional sense, i.e. that of being "leftist" and "rightist", then we begin to see that perhaps the old French Revolution dictum is now in for a paradigm shift - a shift away from conventional political thought, into a new era less befitting Rawls and Hobbes, and edging more towards Heidegger and Pos-Modernism.
Both Lesbianism and Islamo-Fascism demand strident attention from main-stream society. They reject what is the perceived hegemonical power and strive to overthrow it. After all, although Islam is a force to be reckoned with, it still fails when presented with the collective strength of anarcho-Protestantism and syndicalist-Catholicism, and more conventional strands of Judism. Its supporters display commitment bordering on not only that of extreme Fascists, but also that of the oppressed and down-trodden Suffragettes - one can invoke the ghost of Emily Pankhurst in this instance.
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In the work of Miami Swift, a pre-dominant theory is that of Anarcho-Lesbianism. If existential-multiculturalism holds, Anarcho-Lesbianism can be seen to display strands not only bordering on the new strands of Islamo-Fascism, but also the progressive Dialectical Materialst Islamo-Fascism.
To conclude, Progressive Dialectial Materialist Islamo-Fascism has converged with Post-National Anarcho-Syndicalist Lesbianism, but as of yet, not reached its apogee in it, for both hold equal in this new formulation.