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What's at Stake in the 2000 Presidential Election
This is perhaps the most important election of our time. Looking at it pragmatically, we only have two viable choices: Bush or Gore. As someone who is apparently concerned about environmental issues, abortion issues, and economic issues the choice between the two should be obvious -al gore
In addition a simple fact is Nader will not be elected president in November gore in effect a vote for Nader is a vote for Bush. Gore may offer him a cabinet position to drop out of the race.
As for the U.S. Supreme Court, consider this: The U.S. Senate confirms Supreme Court nominees. The Republican Party will control the U.S. Senate. The DNC and the RNC alike have stated they are sure on the control of the Senate [AP 04/02]. George W. Bush is on record as stating that his two FAVORITE U.S. Supreme Court justices are Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas, the most ultra- conservative justices on the bench. During there terms some very important cases will be up for review such as Roe vs. Wade [Vote 5-4] and the Miranda rights case. Gov Bush will appoint conservative justices (he says he will not conduct a litmus test to determine if they are pro life, he does not need to conduct a limits test to determine their pro life! He knows what a complete conservative believes in; he is just saying this so afterward he can just claim ignorance and say I didn't know) for those of you who don't believe Bush would do this Bush has signed at-least 18 anti-choice provisions into law since he has been Governor of Texas. In an interview in August 1999, Bush agreed with the claim that he was the most anti-abortion governor in the United States. "I rest their case. I’m pro-life," Bush said. Bush’s record was enough to earn the endorsement of National Right to Life. [National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League, "NARAL Fact Sheet," 7/22/99; CNN, Evans, Novak, Hunt & Shields, 8/14/99; Boston Globe, 2/9/00]
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A woman's right to choose will not be the only issue at stake into he supreme court. I believe that a court controlled by the right wing will also have a good chance of ruling that some of our environmental protection laws are unconstitutional.
Do you think that Bush will feel compelled to pick moderate judges as his U.S. Supreme Court nominees with a friendly, Republican-controlled Senate waiting to do his bidding? Not a chance! The pick of Dick Cheney proves that he will pander to the right wing not the moderates.
Social Security: First of all to privatizion of Social Security will cost over 900 billion ‘bush admits to the cost’ [CNN Interview] When asked if his system will yield higher results than the current SS System his reply was "maybe, maybe not" [Dallas Morning News, 5/15/00] There are millions of seniors and middle class Americans out there relying on Social Security at age 65. Social Security was not formed to be a gamble it was enacted as a safeguard to help the elderly combat unemployment. What about the people that don’t know how to invest in the stock market. Unlike the poor the rich will be making huge returns as our economy while under this so called "horrible" Clinton-Gore administration is booming. With this the gap will constantly grow from the Rich and Poor therefore eliminating the middle class the great part of this country. Even if the rich get 90 percent returns that still will be much less than the 900 billion transition costs. · Al Gore is proposing to devote all budget surpluses to Social Security and debt reduction. Al Gore's balanced budget plan transfers the entire budget surplus ($2.2 trillion over ten years) to debt reduction and to improve Social Security. He believes Social Security should not be undermined by a large risky tax cut that spends Social Security surpluses.
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Al Gore will strengthen Social Security until at least 2050 by using the long-term interest savings to extend solvency. Al Gore's plan to reduce the publicly held debt by nearly $2.2 trillion over the next ten years will produce significant interest savings. In 2011, the interest savings will be about $120 billion - all of which will be transferred to extend the solvency of Social Security. These interest savings transfers will grow to about $250 billion annually after 2015.
Tax Cuts: Bush's federal tax plan gives the richest one percent of taxpayers a $46,000 per year tax cut, while most working families will get an average of only $227 per year in tax cuts -- less than 70 cents per day. Al Gore supports a plan that gives targeted tax cuts to the middle class and poor not the rich or elite. Therefore giving a larger cut with less of the surplus used about 3/4 less. Bush also has failed to show how he is going to increase money for education, save SS with a $900 billion transition cost to his system, increase defense spending, and provide a 1.9 trillion tax cut with a 2.7 trillion surplus. We are a young nation we need to build our infrastructure and prepare or challenges that will face our nation.
Education: Reforming our schools is an urgent national priority that requires a national strategy. Bush & Gore have vastly different strategies Education for all remains a cornerstone of our democracy - our greatest tool to instill hope, fight poverty and eliminate intolerance. If we want to make sure no child gets left behind, we must act decisively to fulfill that promise for all of our children. Bush instead of fighting for education wants to give up on schools and shove kids off to private schools where there are no national rankings such as psat, and sats. Whatever else has happened, Clinton's education initiatives have resulted in more teachers and thus smaller class sizes. [AP} Class size is a critical element of education. The more attention a teacher can give each student, the more learning will take place. Test scores have been up. More children learn to read at younger ages than ever before. The education system began to worsen in the 80's when Bob Dole led the senate finance committee, and since then, the Republican Congress has voted countless times to cut programs like head start and the free and reduced lunch programs which keeps kids experience good nutrition while at school. On top of that, the Democrats have proposed three mandatory nationwide salary increases for accredited teachers (so they won't all flood to private schools) and three times the Republicans have blocked such offers. It has been the inability of the Republican Congress to boost anything in education and that has caused the problem "The real task of improving schools comes by fixing the poor performing schools, not abandoning them." [Colin Powell] The problem is in the beaurcracy that controls the schools because they are funded by property taxes [enacted by a REP Congress 20 years ago]. Gore is proposing to devote $115 billion over ten years to create an Education Reform Trust Fund that will help students, teachers, and schools meet higher standards. These investments will provide essential support to help students reach high standards, including universal preschool; small, safe, successful high schools; smaller classes; and high quality teachers. But more money is only part of the solution. We also need to demand more from students, teachers, and schools. Al Gore outlined a five-point plan to hold states and schools accountable for helping students from all backgrounds reach high academic standards. His comprehensive accountability agenda would help fix failing schools, increase public school choice and competition, promote high school exit exams, and hold states and schools accountable for improving student achievement while closing the opportunity gap -- with consequences for failure and rewards for success. Gore believes that investment without standards and accountability is a waste of money, but accountability without investment is a waste of effort. We need to aim higher and invest more, not aim too low and invest too little.
Gun Control will also be a major issue with the next administration: Bush In Texas Bush Signed NRA-backed Concealed Gun Bill, Bush Signed Bill Allowing Guns In Churches, Bush Signed NRA-Backed Bill Giving Gun Manufacturers Special Rights (and somehow Americans believe the NRA will not have "unbelievably friendly relations w/Bush” [NRA Vice President, Ad For GW Bush] Proving that he will have great relations with the NRA Bush Signed NRA-Backed Bill Giving Gun Manufacturers Special Rights against lawsuits. [New York Times, 6/20/99; Associated Press, 5/19/99; Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 5/18/99] I completely support gun ownership but registration, voluntary or mandatory safety locks, a mandatory safety course with a test out option (like we have driving tests for drivers), and a 3-day waiting period is only common sense. Bush supports only instant background checks; and with this support even in Texas Bush Bowed to NRA, and Failed to Lead on Background Checks Legislation. [Houston Chronicle, 4/27/99; Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 5/22/99] Get over the one world government hysteria. Nobody is going to come looking for your gun unless you break the law. Organizations such as the NRA try to fool you into believing that "the government will" AL gores supports closing gun show loopholes, safety locks, and registration. [www.algore2000.com]
This Gov. also relies on a system of checks and balances [basic principle of government framed by Rep & Dem founding founders] where one area of government checks the others for corrupt or special interest politics. They each check each other on issues and policies so only the most successful ideas and issues represented. If Bush is elected the whole government will be GOP. Any government controlled completely by either the GOP or the DNC is not good for the country. [Recession has occurred each time 1 party has held all 3 government branches]
All I am asking is for you to think about the implications and long-term effects of your vote for not only your sake but also our children’s sake. And if you do decide then vote for the DNC senator and congressman; for our system thrives on checks and balances to make this country grow for all its people.
To all Nader supporters: I like Nader but he has absolutely no chance of winning this election or even gardening the 15 percent he needs for the debates and federally matching funds next year. If you hold Naders issues dearly then you can realize with the election of Bush those issues we believe dearly in will not be represented. By voting for gore you vote for Naders issues and help him defeat GW Bush. All these lies and hypocrisy about Al Gore creating the Internet the fact is al gore did support on of the 1st pieces of primary legislation for the Internet. He is a huge advocate for the environment already garnering sierra group’s endorsement. He represents the fighting and working class in American shown by his targeted tax cuts.
Al Gore has also shown he walks the walk and just doesn’t talk with the most recent inclusive pick of VP.