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State of the Union Address - The Promise
In order to steward and ensure a more perfect union for the people of the United States, and in its representation to its neighbors, I hereby pledge the following commitments while in Office as the President of this great country and as the management of the Executive Branch of its Government.
The Health, Safety, and Welfare of the People of the United States
The health, safety and welfare of the people represents the state in the soundness of this nation. It is in the combination of these factors where uniquely distinguishable, but are inseparable, that provides purpose of the Government and nothing further, nor less. It is in the standards of measure for this soundness, that the state of its people, and thus the Union is served.
People are more empowered to stand on their own two feet when there is an environment conducive for them to do so. The Health, Safety, and Welfare of this Nation, as expressed in its people, is the foundation for this.
Health, Safety, and Welfare all have many unique facets. These facets are regarded here for their importance at a personal level for each of us; at the community level where we live with others; and in terms of Federal Government in its responsibility to all of us as a Nation.
Although the following is lengthy, I ask for your patience in its reading. It addresses much that has been on each of our minds. It is how this Administration addresses this as Responsibilities and to be held Transparently Accountable for by you.
1- The Health of Our Nation:
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The Health of the people is the strength of our Nation. It is not muscle that has strength, but the strength in the heart and the mind that provides strength to muscle. In this manner, the people are the strength of our Nation.
The measures of Health have to be in terms of physical, mental, and spiritual, where these are manifested uniquely in all of us. Combined, this reflects the Health of our Nation, and thus the Health of our Government.
1.1- Physical Health is key to our sustainability as people, and by default, is entitled by all. It is the objective of this administration to make respectable health care to be obtainable for all in this nation. This is no matter if one is impoverished, is a worker who normally does not qualify for existing assistance, is an elderly person who should have the respect of those generations that follow; or is an affluent person who has been able to obtain the best health care available.
1.2- Mental Health : Our health is also subject to the quality of foods we consume, and the environment we live in which all in this nation are fully entitled too. Both of these like our Mental Health should not be regarded as minimal , but a high bar of standards. As we are entitled to Quality and the availability in our Foods, and a livable environment, our Mental Health is served best with Quality Educational Systems. It is the commitment of this administration to provide Quality and availability in Food, and Environmental Standards the meet our needs, and the availability of Education for all in this nation.
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1.3- Spiritual Health is measured by the stamina in one's basic spirit for live, and in the level of resilience to the challenges in life that we uniquely confront. The Building Blocks to enable Spiritual Health are the combination of one's Physical and Mental Health. Without this, there is no vessel for Spirit, no matter where we deem to be its source, to be place in.
We can overcome the use of detrimental drugs, and the abuse of those that serve our indulgences when our Spirit is strong. Simply, Need there be a War, if there is no Enemy. As much as our nation has been afflicted by Heroine and Cocaine, Methedrine, and other harmful substances, our nation need no longer be starved by being disenfranchised from the sense of self when having a real vessel for the stamina of our Spirit.
It is the commitment of this administration, that no matter however one wishes to fill their vessel, through faith based followings, beliefs or otherwise, that they are entitled to have that vessel of their own to fill.
2- Our Nation's Safety:
The Administration views that our Nation's Safety is composed of 3 distinguishable, but inseparable areas of focus; these are Personal Safety, Community Safety, and the Nation's Safety.
2.1 Personal Safety:
The Amendments to the Constitution known as the Bill of Rights is the basis for the definition of our Personal Safety, as it was intended to "prevent the way to tyranny by the central government". It is that which makes up our communities, and therefore the foundation of our Nation's Safety.
Subsequently, The actions and recognition's of 1964 Civil Rights, the mandates of the ACLU, NAACP and the outright regard for race, creed and color; and work by organizations such as the AFL-CIO that shall remain paramount in regard by this administration.
Our personal Safety is based on our Health, and the Homes , Assets, livelihood, Peace of Mind, rights to our privacy, and respect of our beliefs and orientations, being not from ill-gotten gain, nor from the mis-fortune of others.
It is the commitment of this administration to continually seek the improvement, on behalf of the people in the interest of their personal safety, through the cooperation of Federal and State Governments, The laws that deal with Credit Practices, and Respect of personal Assets, and to seek viable means to further instill the ability to maintain and grow one's Homes and Assets through ethical means; Hence, The American Dream.
2.1 A- The Right for Livelihood is a given right when exercised in a legal and ethical manner. The Administration supports this Right without limiting it to the following:
* Through 'Balanced Trade' initiatives the administration will pursue the prevention of lost jobs, discounted wages, and unnecessary layoffs.
* Affirmative Action Policies and Practices will be pursued for compliance by all employers that operate within the United States. All United States based Employers will further be required to be in compliance with the polices and practices in the Hiring and employment of U.S Citizens that work, or employed off shore on behalf the the employer.
Further, Affirmative Action will be examined for its effectiveness and relevance in protecting jobs for US Citizens over and above foreign visitors that have Visa Sponsored Labor offerings at below market salary value.
* The Administration supports the AFL-CIO in its respect for non union workers, and the need to afford Union Dues by non-union workers within Union places of work where union labor is performed in an equivalent manner, focus and scope in employee performance and responsibilities. These Union Dues on Non Union workers are to ensure for the Non-Union Worker, the same representation, rights and benefits that are afforded to Union workers of the same classification within the same work place of employment.
* In non-Union workplaces, Union petition is to be permitted, where Union formation is to be only accepted by a 2/3 vote by employees within the workplace in question. Voting is to be held in privacy such as in the manner of government elections, and vote counting to be performed by impartial and objective means.
* Living Wage: Minimum Wages are to be examined based on the Living Wage and what is defined as the Poverty Level. More over Wages are to reflect the actual cost of living for the community where the employment, and residence occurs, and subject to the Inflation Index as opposed to the 'Take it or Leave It' types of today's employment offer.
* Fixed Price and Overtime: for every worker, no matter if directly employed, or via 3rd party contract, workers must be paid for work done. For Direct Employment, Overtime is to be paid as 'Time and One half'. For Contractors, Time is to be paid by the hour; hence, the professional day as set to 8 hours does not obviate the responsibility of the employer to provide monitary compensation for overtime.
* Poverty Level: must be set based realistically on the Cost of Living, and the Inflation Index. Hence, Minimum wage must be accounted for in this as being above the Poverty Level.
2.1 B- The Rights to Our Privacy is viewed by the Administration to be applicable to all as our personal privacy is held most dear to all of us. As during the authorship of the 'Bill of Rights', the word 'Privacy actually did not exist, The Administration views that this right is demonstrated in the notion of allowing each our own sense of "Personal Space with the message of 'Live and Let Live' " as is demonstrated in authoring of Amendment IV. I do not personally believe that the intention of this Amendment needs to be second guessed due to the absence of the word 'Privacy'.
Public figures as elected officials are Public Figures where this is considered by the administration for the need of full transparency and accountability in terms of the work they do of, and for the people as Public Figures.
For Public Figures to expect the Right to Privacy, that Right must be for all on an even playing filed.
Public Figures, otherwise have their private lives, and are considered as just people that are non-public figures when it comes to their private lives where they must account to themselves, and to their ones in their personal lives.
2.1 C- Respect of our Beliefs: As is demonstrated in Amendment I is most clearly the regard of the Separation of Church and State; and the respect for individual rights and respect for beliefs and religious followings. This Administration remains aligned with Amendment I, for its stated purpose and reasoning.
In terms of our Educational Systems, and our children in schools, I would further wish others to consider the value and presence of Religion in Schools, where there is no one religion, but the sincere mutual regard for the religions of the students.
School is a place for learning, and in learning about the world of other students, one can learn far more about one's own world.
I would further say, that in contrast to the removal of religion in schools, that the students are permitted to practice their religion when necessary in school.
The term 'God' basically means something very special no matter what religion one follows. Hence, all established religions that do not demonstrate mal-intent should be respected, if we are to expect others to respect our own religious followings.
2.1.D Our Orientations: have served as means to polarize, as well as having the need for others to respect what these Orientations are for each of us. Being United , includes all of the People.
We are humans, no matter if we choose to align ourselves with what is called 'Liberal or Conservative' or our opinions, beliefs, and attitudes towards 'ProChoice/ProLife', or how we might compare our own views to others on the Institution of Marriage .
Being Unified, America is Strong, but divided, our country becomes weak. Unity is similar to a team, where all the people from all walks of life in this country make up that team.
Dogmatism, Fascism, or any 'isms', or encouraging the 'Will' of the most powerful onto the many can only polarize us into groups.
This Polarization ultimately can break our system of productive representation in our Country as this in of itself can steward the roots of Tyranny and Terror.
Respecting each others Orientations allows us to be United in how we Stand.
2.1 E- Not from ill-gotten gain, nor from the misfortune of others: When opportunity is received by ill-gotten gain, it is typically at the mis-fortune of others. Simpler put, where there is money, there are crooks.
We generally refer to this by the simple term called the 'System'. The momentum of this System is experienced in our every day lives mostly in an amorphous form.
It can be experienced as just frustration in attempting to accomplish an effort where processes are beyond our control, to entities that encourage its will on us ( drug companies, HMO's, media conglomerates, big banks, polluting industries), basic prejudices, or respond to our needs with complacency, negligence or indifference; and in some cases we can even be exploited by others in ruthless, shortsighted self serving ways.
Sometimes you can hear someone say, "its the System", or to blame the System for some sense of injustice felt done to them.
We see this in our every day life as a permissible behavior as in example, in attempting to communicate our needs to bureaucratic infrastructures with endless call management systems, and covoluted policies, or the use the Vale of Good Accounting Principles from lending entities that can cost us our credit rating, the policies or the attitudes in how sometimes we are treated by employers, and by other corporations and even perceptibly by the Government; to false advertising, and misrepresentation of things that are intended to appeal to us as consumers.
In our highly complex information saturated Capitalist society, this is more common as an ethic in how we conduct business and commerce than not.
Being mere human beings we are also encouraged to comply with, and/or to beat the system at the same time, where the less stamina that you have to give to the system, the more you are encouraged to beat it.
There is no reason for the need to beat the System, if the System is truly there for you; as there is no reason for the System, except you.
A lot of this is resolved in looking at who we are as a Nation, and some of this in the nature of Crime that things can evolve to.
Most Crime is nothing more than a chain reaction of circumstances.
Petty Crime is nothing more than the aftershock of, when taken to task, of more sophisticated techniques in crime and coercion, or at the least , basic unfairness towards others.
There is no difference in Loan Sharking, and Predatory Lending of a Large Bank, less that the latter is more civilized in its strategies in basically extorting your money from you.
Street Crime is nothing more than the Aftershock of Petty Crime.
Civil unrest is nothing more than the reaction of a similar overbearing Will when one's capacities have become exhausted.
In Business, this is typically known as Screw the other guy first, or get Screwed.
It is the commitment of this Administration to pursue the further development and compliance of fair Commerce Practices in a top down manner, where the more sophisticated business entities, in their compliance will send a new shock wave of honest and fair commerce practice with the consumer of their services and products.
The more they value the Consumers good will, the better quality of business will be offered.
It is the additional intent of this Administration that small business will get the hint for the same compliance if they choose to survive in our Capitalist Society; and Street Crime therefore will have less examples to follow.
2.2 -Community Safety:
The Administration recognizes and respects the view that Community Safety is based on the work of civil servants, police, fire, emergency, and medical services, and teachers that are made available in a community, where communities are viewed as local municipalities within unique States; as well as the Educational Systems within them.
Communities that are short changed in terms of Homeland Security Funding Formulas as one example, cannot provide community safety where it meets the needs of the community and First Responders.
In Recognition of this view, the Administration also appreciates the need for Federally subsidized programs that demonstrate enough to enhance the viability of the needs at the local level for Community Safety.
The Administration will endeavor on an ongoing basis to see that there are no haitus in Federal Government for the delivery of subsidized funds to States, and that funds, and related programs are not cut; and where signed into law are not shorted; and where states deem the need for more support, that the Federal Government hears and responds to the stated needs in a timely manner.
The reduction of Crime itself, reduces the cost of enforcement for both Community and Personal Safety. It is the expectation of the Administration that Communities will understand the need for compliance with fair commerce practices within their communities, which will enhance the effectiveness of Federally subsidized budgets overall.
As much as Education is the key to the future for personal development, Communities suffer the impact of its absence in its younger generation.
More over, communities should be empowered to develop the skills and abilities of its local youth such as in after school programs, tutoring where necessary, and other areas of focus that reinforce the sense of self esteem in the youth where attraction to gangs and frustrated groups of kids become less of an issue.
It is also the interest of the Administration to see interest from ACLU, NAACP and AFL-CIO in their involvement in assisting communities in developing such programs, in addition to after school care programs and faith based followings.
When we re-enfranchise our disenfranchised citizens, we build stronger communities. By Communities providing support services and safety nets, the Administration is interested in pursuing tax incentives and further subsidized assistance to support this effort.
We are currently missing many needed safety nets in our Communities and in their Social Welfare Policies.
* Our Communities can be multicultural. Tolerance with diversity is essential in understanding our Communities, and its needs in communication. Language assistance is critical in bridging communication gaps and empowering our cultures to cross great divides to each other within their communities.
* The Aged in the community deserve the most respect and consideration where today our value systems consider the Aged to be something 'Out Dated', and therefore obsolete. Let us consider ourselves obsolete in lacking wisdom if we view the Aged as obsolete.
* Our Veterans are hailed as heroes when they march in Uniform, but when they are fortunate enough to return, in many ways they may still be where we sent them. Wounds can be physical in the loss of parts of them, as well as parts of their spirit can be shattered. When you provide vocational technology training assistance it is simply one less hill for them to climb.
* Rehabilitation assistance for abuse is needed by many, where each can have their own set of unique reasons. Offering the hand of Compassion is the expression of ones sense of self esteem that can inspire others for theirs.
* The Homeless can be anyone, and in respectful communities can be viewed as an inconvenience. The Homeless has become a population since the early 80's where the proliferation is in coincidence to the Trickle Down Economy. Life can Trickle down on any one of us with little notice or warning no matter who we think we are.
* Justice is to be blind when it comes to being equal under the law, but its heart must see when dues are paid. When ex convicts have paid their dues, it is our obligation as fellow citizens to offer the road back. An Ex Con who originated from a Community should have that opportunity offered by the same community to earn their self esteem back based on the standards set in the community.
2.3- Nation's Safety:
Our Nation's Safety is viewed in terms of our Homeland Security, our National Security; and the Nation's Intelligence System.
The Nation's Safety Program to be implemented is to provide The Homeland Security budgets that meet the supported expectations of each State, the sharing of information between our First Responders and The Homeland Security Department; the Furthering of purpose and responsibility of Commissions to enhance our position against threats; Provide a robust National Security Platform that is built with strong Defense Posture and Diplomacy with Wisdom, and the further refinement of our Intelligence Systems.
2.3.A HomeLand Security:
Homeland Security is viewed as not a witch hunt on our shores for suspicious foreigners, but to be competently developed , and adequately funded programs that address our needs for HomeLand Security, and the necessary watchdog committees to remain in place such as the 911 Commission to review and advise ongoing about the effectiveness of the Governments awareness, and competence in terms of these programs, as well as tangential issues that could directly relate or indirectly relate to the quality and usefulness of our Homeland Security in serving the United States.
* Homeland Security Budgets are not to be slashed, but to be reinforced with delivery dates that will meet the expectations of the Communities of United States.
* It is further the Commitment of this Administration to steward the proactive participation of Commissions in managing , and furthering Transparency and Accountability and the Discovery Process for its needs in Government, and in the Private Sector.
* Homeland Security Policy will not endorse the Incarceration of people with out fare representation, and scheduled Due Process.
* More over, Amendment I of the Bill of Rights will remain as it is.
2.3 B- National Security:
Foreign Policy is not to be an Attitude, and Defense is not to be weak. The Administration does not view Diplomacy and Defense as being exclusive of the other, but are mutually dependent on each other for each one's effectiveness in serving the other; Simply we walk with two legs, not one.
The Defense System gives Diplomacy its Teeth, and Diplomacy provides Defense its Faculty of Reason. It is the view of this Administration that the two are inseparable when engaging in Pre-Emptive and Unilateral Actions. Combined, our actions towards others have a more formidable and daunting purpose, while enabling a viable conclusion and Exit Strategy such as for Iraq. Combined, our Foreign Policy can also be effective in helping others find their Exit Strategies such as for Nuclear Prone Nations and the Middle East Crisis .
Diplomacy orphaned from Defense can only be 'Meaningless Lip Service', and Defense when orphaned from Diplomacy can continue in a non focused manner, that is subject to Tangential Agenda's, or simply the business of War, while at the cost of Squandering American Lives as well as the innocent.
If the two halves of a brain cannot work together, then the body cannot function properly. If the two vital components of National Security do not work together, then our National Security does not serve our Nation's Safety.
2.3 C- The Nation's Intelligence System: was key in initial Focus of the Original 911 Commission Report. The Military must have its Real Time use of Intelligence, as well as Homeland Security. The further refinement of Intelligence of the NID, and its purpose as a bridge between National and Homeland Security will continue to be strengthened as well as the reporting of intelligence events to both the Executive Staff and to Congress; and the intended oversight commissions. In this manner, Intelligence will have the rapid delivery that is needed to those who need to know with the necessary transparency for those who should also know of its content and use.
3- The Welfare of Our Nation:
The Welfare of the Nation is by definition for the Administration, the Welfare of the People. For this Administration, it is a Financial Matter.
The level of Economic Solvency of the Nation is the foundation for the financial welfare of the people. Consequently, there is no way for the people of the nation to assured of their health, safety and welfare unless the Nation as a whole is sound financially.
* There is no way to have a Safe Nation without Fiscal Soundness.
* You cannot make a fair living, have a vision for your tomorrow, let alone even consider having a job tomorrow with out fiscal Soundness in the Nation. There is no way to enact and to back all the the federal programs needed with our fiscal soundness. As consequence, our communities suffer, and we suffer; but most importantly, our children suffer.
* There is no way to further business development in this country if there is not fiscal soundness, and there is no way to recover lost jobs with out this.
* There is no way for the Nation to have independence and autonomy, and standards in its foreign Policy if the nation is not fiscally sound.
We must Recapture our Dwindling Economy, and then Make Fundamental Investments in it as a Nation and as its People or we will be destined to Borrowed time as a great nation.
3.1 Recapturing Our Economy:
It is not a solution to just Tax more, although some should be able to pay more; nor is it a solution to just borrow more Foreign Money and then hope for the best. It is not a solution to attempt to close Tax Gaps on those who have outstanding taxes, as in this economy, they simply might not have the ability to pay. It is not a solution to further lose the value of the U.S Dollar, or to offshore while telling you in the same breadth to go out and get new education and training in order to replace the job that you lost.
Simply, Deficits do matter, and it is the commitment of this Administration to achieve Fiscal Soundness, and in this way to achieve Economic Solvency.
The Welfare of our Nation is based on our level of Economic Solvency and the ability to manage Trade.
Managing Trade is viewed by the Administration as part of the road to achieving Economic Solvency, and can further benefit from Economic Solvency, but does not constitute in of itself, the total strategic solution for our economic recovery which has to be Economic Solvency.
3.1.A- Balanced Trade:
Artificial Trade Tariffs, which are the most we have been able to do is like trying to plug a Dike. Tax incentives for not out sourcing is also a long shot when considering that such incentives are overshadowed by manipulating the cost of offshore labor to make up the differences.
* The Volume of imports is not regulated, and when putting a higher price on foreign TV's ( as a example ) that are dumped on our shores, just means more compromise of foreign workers rights in order to realize the same profit for the foreign manufacturer.
* By limiting import volume into the United States, the price of the import would increase due to level of availability and in order to obtain a reasonable profit margin. This is simple supply and demand mechanics.
* By loosing the Offshore incentive, US manufactures would not need a domestic Tax Incentive, while also not needing to lose their workers who are the actual ones who buy manufactured goods.
* The same principles of Trade Volume in Manufacturing and textiles, can be applied to Agriculture, as well as the out sourcing of technology labor.
It is the commitment of the Administration to help Congress in forming "The Trade Committee" , which in turn must include as its members those representatives that also sit on the Labor, Industry and Agriculture and Services committees.
The Charter of the Trade Committee is to set volume levels on imports that are consistent with our export levels of volume. Currently imports are over 10 times that of export Volume.
3.1.B An Investment Economy: Tax and Spend or Borrow and Spend does nothing but impoverish our Nation, and lead us to compromise in Global Presence, and as a follower, and not a leader of the Free World.
As we devalue our Dollar through the use of continued offshore lenders, our Tax Dollars become of less value, and hence becomes like a chronic drug habit , where the last dose does not provide what is needed to ease the symptoms of the addiction to our need for spending with respect to our levels of debt.
Balanced Trade can help shore up the foundations of our economy in preventing the under tow of debt in having what we stand on from being washed out from under us.
But we must work strategically in order to stabilize our levels of debt, where our Tax dollars can create a level of consistent value.
A simple lesson from the Dollar Market speaks to protecting value of the Dollar by simply purchasing the currencies that will benefit from the Dollars Slide. It should not be beyond reason for the U.S Government to understand this.
You can easily estimate the range of future benefit on other currencies from the slide of today's dollar.
Financial Institutions make a fortune for themselves, and in particular, in the misfortune of the sliding value of the dollar by buying the Futures of the benefiting currencies. The Yen, which is the Curency of one of our major lenders called Japan, has benefited in the value of the Dollar Slide from 300:1 to 100:1 in a manner of a few years. Consider just the interest we pay to Japan these days and into the future.
Regulated and Structured Investment Management can serve our objectives for a Path for Economic Solvency and therefore serve the people well.
If it is better to invest the dollar than to spend it, it is better for the Government to invest its dollars for the People.
It is the commitment of this Administration to make the US Treasury Department, Dollar Savvy. One component in the solution is by implementing a structured investment management department in the U.S. Treasury for the purposes of paying down our Interest and eventually the outstanding debt from foreign lenders.
3.1.C Efficiency and Effectiveness of Tax Collection is in question when considering the huge Tax Gaps, questionable schedules, cuts, and the overhead of the Internal Revenue Service in of itself in dealing with their responsibilities. The Administration is committed to pursue fare and effective Tax Collection that is cost effective in aiding our Economy.
What incentive does the IRS employee have for the efficiency and effectiveness in doing their job when the processes in place are not efficient nor effective ?
It is easier to opt out in order to get the desk cleared which does a disservice to both the IRS in its stated purpose and to the Tax Payer who it is ultimately serving.
What return on cost does the IRS provide in having broken processes to manage with ?
Any operation, that is broken in procedures and processes ultimately wastes their budgets as opposed to effectively using them to serve that operation.
How do you fix broken processes when the Tax system achieves nothing further than painting itself into a corner in compounded complexities ?
Functional Design of anything must be top down, or there are functional bugs that are inherent in the outcome of our expectations.
It is the Commitment of the Administration to help the Treasury Department and IRS to Stream line Costs based on the following:
3.1.C.1- Tax Cuts and Questionable Schedules can be like Free Falling, where the experience is similar to the absence of Gravity until we hit the Solid Ground of our debt's impact. The dollars that are saved by the top 2% in drastic cuts ultimately become of less value. Perhaps, those in the top 2% are smart enough to offset such a loss in their investment management, but ultimately they too are subject the the Nations level of debt.
* Tax Schedules and cuts can be graduated for 'All' based on the level of Solvency vs. Debt Burden that the Nation has. It is then no longer necessary to say 'Read Me Lips' as just lip service; and such policy in its flexibility allows for financial planning top down from the Government to the people it serves.
3.1.C.2- Process that lead to no where, or with out fair and remedied schedule of conclusion does nothing but (a)- cost the IRS's budget, and (b) - compounds the challenge of the Tax Payer in dealing with their escalating tax burden.
This can even motivate predatory lending practices to exploit the opportunity of the Tax Payer. This in turn just further burdens the Tax Payer in paying future taxes. The IRS must serve the people in order to serve the Government cost effectively.
* Accounting serves value, but its value is truly realized with given forethought and hindsight. Good accounting practices deal with balancing ledgers, where the cost of money itself is accounted for. Interest and penalties serve a purpose in the Tax System, but without scheduled and fair conclusion for remedy, what was once perhaps $1,000.00 owed can become easily $10,000.00 owed.
o Multiply this by just 40,000 taxpayers and the IRS has an unmanageable level of $400,000,000 of wishful thinking but unobtainable Tax Revenue to try to collect. That is instead an actual $40,000,000 with reasonable interest collect.
o Interest and Fees is an unrealistic venue when considering the related labor and processing costs in not collecting what looks good on the books.
* For both the IRS, and the Tax Payer, it would be best to get the Tax Paid at $1,000.00 than having to deal with un-resolvable and unrealistic interests, charges and fees and related costs in the wishful thinking of $10,000 * 40,000 taxpayers.
o Both the IRS and the Tax Payer must work together to seek remedies where the IRS can obtain what is really due in a timely manner with out disenfranchising the Tax Payer from being also future viable Tax Payer.
o Closure is in the IRS structuring the Debt early on so that it can be paid through structured loans to the tax payer, and default where there is no possibility in collecting.
o Reduces the over all collection costs and time frames for closure
o provides for a more accurate budget needed for the IRS.
3.1.C.3- IRS Agents can do their work when information is made available to them. Much of the time, information can already be on file, but not accessible to the Agent. The Agent under such circumstances will put the onus on the Tax Payer for reproducing this, as well as other laundry list items of information within a period of time that serves the convenience of the Agents Work Load.
* By Providing
o The right Information Access Tools the Agent's Workload becomes lighter for the same given case load.
o The Tax Payer has more bandwidth to meet the Agents Time frame for the balance of a requested Laundry List
o Case Tracking can be established for historical audits on case performance closure, as well as case inheritance.
o Case Exceptions and escalation / resolution can be achieved more readily.
o Cost / Benefit Analysis can be measured on Fair Remedy Conclusion.
o Effectiveness of the Agent for closures can be immediately scored.
o Tax Payer can get on with their life sooner at less impact on livelihood
3.1.D Government Budgets and Spending: Government Entities cannot have budgets where there is latitude in spending focus. The term Miscellaneous does not serve the people well when it comes to the use of their money.
It is the commitment of the Administration to work with budget committees in Congress for their active participation in Government Departmental Audit Reviews where such reviews are intended to determine compliance with budget allocation directives from Budget committees, and departmental compliance with said directives. All Vendors will be identified in terms of compliance with the proposed Lobbyist Disclosure Act .
* Committees will have the competence to make reasonable and accurate assessments of said estimates
* Variances in Budgets will be stated by fixed policies
* Accuracy in Spending will be automated such that committee members can review compliance with allocations on a ad hoc basis.
* Department Errors are to be reported upfront, or as when discovered, and not after the fact.
* Misappropriations, and misalignment of budgets, or expenditures not accounted for, or signed off by the Committee, will have those responsible in managing the budget in reprimand.
3.2. Investments in Our Economy:
An Involved Government is not 'Big Government', but a cost effective Government that is to serve the people efficiently.
The notion of 'Pork Programs' and 'Big Government' is typically used to convey a government that wastes money, as in 'Tax and Spend' or 'Borrow and Spend'.
Those that use the sound byte 'Big Government' intend to suggest a Government that nursemaids some of the people and prevents them from being able to Stand on their own two Feet at the expense of 'Real and Honest Hard Working Tax Payers'. Corporate Write-offs and Tax Avoidance are what really costs the Tax Payer which is not included in the message of the Sound byte.
"We the People" are the first three words of the Constitution. Any Government that advocates otherwise is viewed by this Administration as nothing more than a Pork Government of self serving so called representatives;
This lack of leadership example instills the same in our corporations, which then instills the people to be nothing but self-serving for the 'Here and now'.
The Government that provides Economic Recovery and Solvency is empowered to responsibly provide the environment for All to be able to stand on their own two feet. Government that advocates otherwise, is one that advocates for you to try to stand on quick sand.
The Following outlines Investment Plans in Federal Government to enable its cost effective efficiency in operation, Investments in our Communities where the people of this nation live, and investments in the Welfare of the people so that they can be empowered to stand on their own two feet.
3.2.1 - Federal Information and Computing Systems
A Government that can serve the people responsibly is a cost effective government. A Cost effective Government is one that manages its information properly.
The Sharing of Intelligence Information, the protection, and privacy of information, the lack of information, and the confusion of what information, its quality and accuracy, rights of use, potential misuse, its purpose in serving efficiency, and effectiveness in managing the Government and protecting the People all have to be based on a Top Down Federal Information Plan.
It is the commitment of the Administration to help steward Congress to address the issues at hand, the functional requirements of Government Departments, and the criterion of Classification, and sharability.
The outcome of this is to be an Information Bill that is to serve as the guideline for the Federal Information Plan. The Federal Information Plan must regard needs, rights, security, cost, and effectiveness, and the strategic map for this, and how to properly manage information in the Government for for all levels, over all. The following is the Pro forma Plan for the Information Hierarchy.
There has been Plausible Deniability in Government, where Accountability and Transparency are considered to be paramount. Examples are the the failures of Intelligence that led up to 9/11, Abugrab Prison, lack of Armor in Iraq, etc.
The excuse of Plausible Deniability is made obsolete by the proper design in the Information Hierarchy of the Federal Information Plan. - Information Hierarchy Top Down is to be designed on a need to know basis, where at the Executive Branch, The Need to know could be in some instances, such as obtaining facts about solders who are the Boots on the Ground, Intelligence Releases that have been lost in issue contention, or to verify the completeness of a Presidential Daily Briefing; and to obtain facts when necessary from direct levels of Government directly so as to prevent information sanitizing prior to when arriving in other forms to the Presidents desk.
Information Access by Cabinet Level members of the Administration is to be defined according to their Roles in the same top Down Manner. - The Information Hierarchy Bottom Up - the protection and Security of sensitive information must also be maintained such as not to compromise the Nation's Security. Accountability and Transparency in Government is based on the Classification of Information, and where that information can be made available to the Public based on the absence of Sensitive Classification. Information Efficiency use and Effectiveness must be made available for Senate, and Committee Investigations from the Executive Branch, The Houses of Congress, as well as for periodic review by Congress of Government Departments, Agencies and Services as well as from Congress Members themselves. Interdepartmental Sharing of Information is to be defined by type and purpose of Information as agreed upon by the Executive Branch and Congress. Intradepartmental Sharing for information is for the purposes for Departmental Agents accomplishing their work. The Hierarchy of Information view within unique Departments is also for Congress to Review for clarity and purposes of Protection and Efficiency. - Information Audit and Security will be an additional plan that is requested to come from Congress.
In this manner, Information of US Citizens is protected within the partitions of the Federal Information System Plan as Formalized by Congress in to the Formalized Information Hierarchy Plan.
3.2.2 - Technology Road Map and Horizons: The Administration will further wish to Steward through the help of Congress , the Solution and Standards for a Unified Technology Platform that affords Scalability, Reliability, and Interoperability. These Standards are to be provided to each and every government department for Request for Information and for Technology Budget and Planning. These plans will be the basis, through Congress to award such budgets to the respective Government Departments.
This too, will add to the Job Base of our Economy.
3.3- The Welfare of our Communities:
The Role of the Economy for our Communities relies on Interstate and Intrastate commerce, where the cost and impact of Energy Usage and Environmental Impact must be resolved.
The Administration views that through innovation, Energy sources can be of less impact to the Environment and can help instill our future economy cost effectively.
* Fundamentally, the use of Electricity as an Energy Source must be less than the costs of Fossil Fuels where the creation of Electricity sources in of themselves does not pollute or have less pollution than Fossil Fuels.
* Fossil Fuel alternatives for Combustion must become more sophisticated to achieve cost effective use.
3.3.A- Emphasis on Transportation and Infrastructure is viewed by the Administration as paramount in reinstilling the foundation of our economy.
Reducing the costs of Transportation reduces other costs that Transportation is relied upon for.
By Improving our delivery systems the costs of goods and services to reach their markets can be reduced by a magnitude. This means that costs can be reduced up to 1/10th.
* For Railroads, Electric Powered Rapid Transit can be achieved to deliver Steel from its sources in Ohio and Pennsylvania to our Defense Manufacturers and Construction; and locations points West and Points East, as well as for export from the coasts.
o With the reduction of Transportation costs, the cost of Steel itself comes down making a more competitive Steel Industry.
o Many Industries can take advantage of the same benefits in Rapid Transit Transportation
* For Roads, the cost and impact of fuel usage and related pollution is reduced as less idling of combustion engines while obtaining more miles to the Gallon of even cleaner fuels that would normally be wasted in traffic jams.
o Our commuters have a better chance at Longevity which lowers the future costs of health care
o Less Accidents on the Road for Over tired and delayed truck drivers
+ Fresher produce due to on time delivery
* Over all, the costs of products due to reduced delivery costs enables us to live within reasonable budgets as producers and consumers while providing more impetus for Employment of US Citizens on US Soil in these industries while being able to reinvigorate Industries that we once thought that we were losing.
3.3.B- Emphasis on Energy Management: will be highly regulated and viewable by the public eye. There are numerous avenues where Energy usage can be cost effective, clean, and provide for the Strategic Future of this nation.
In providing incentives to public utilities companies for the use of cost effective alternative energy sources enables new avenues of entrepreneurs, companies and employment to provide the solutions to the Utility Companies.
o Communities will not be manipulated by Enrons. Simply Put, a Deal is a Deal, and once costs are consummated, providers are to committed to agreed price caps and consumers are to be entitled to reliable energy delivery.
Electricity is regarded as a Commodity, and the Blackout of Calif. was due to treating it only as a Commodity. It must be a regulated commodity where it is made available as needed, and not through market extortion on the commodity.
3.3.B.1 Public Utility Assistance: will be emphasized by the Administration for its importance in providing cleaner, and lower costs fuels and energies.
Although Nuclear Power appears attractive, the Administration is also looking for Public Utilities to be forward thinking in the use of Wind and Solar Power.
* States are seeing Wind and Solar as a Burgeoning Cost Affective alternative for Electricty production such as on the West Coast.
o Boiling of Water to create steam to drive turbines does not have to be only by highly sensitive nuclear installations, and the Wind itself is abundant across our nation.
o Where Tornado Zones exists, its simply a question of transferring Electricity via the 'Grid'.
3.3.B.2 Agricultural Assistance will be furthered for the the production of Bio Energy Sources that can be sold as fossil Fuel Supplements and alternatives; and for providing additional cost effective solutions for Public Utilities for use in supplying Electricity.
* Environmental Management is compromised by the amount of Carbon we emit into the Air.
We can work in building our Economy by the further use of crops used to generate heat, electricity or produce liquid fuels.
3.3.B.3 New Energy Research Assistance: will be in the form of Federal Grants and Loans for any existing Industry, or burgeoning Industry that can demonstrate new avenues of Cost Effective Energy development, delivery, and use. Supporting Industries will also have the opportunity to qualify for such Federal Assistance.
* In addition to Agriculture, there are supporting Industries that serve Agriculture such as producing biodegradable fertilizers and soil enhancers in order to produce crops.
* If it can improve our health, and our environment, and can be provided as a cost effectively, it must be considered.
3.3.C Environmental Cleanup: Programs are emphasized by this Administration, as we must clean up our past abuse on the environment in order to live here longer. Environmental impact is compromised by the amount of Carbon we emit into the Air., The water and ground that we pollute, and the lack of replenishment of the resources that we have taken from our land.
The Administration commits to Proactive Pollution Prevention and Environmental CleanUp and Recovery
* Pollution Laws - are to be reviewed for the scope and effectiveness, and related remedies.
Existing Accountability will be reviewed in terms of violations to the laws, and Due Diligence to be enacted on accordingly. Pollution Laws will be revised for effectiveness, and empowered where not empowered.
* Program Definition and Scope - The Existing Pollution Laws will be a single component , where remedies in terms of cost of Clean Up will be financed based on Fines and Assets of those considered contributors to the pollution problem at hand. In a similar manner, where the land has been compromised, such as Forestry and Land erosion, remedies for replenishment will be sought by the contributors to the problem.
o One might own a mountain, or a valley of Land, and have sold off the timber in order to build, or sell the land for others to build developments on this land. In such cases, zoning ordinances will be reviewed for the necessity of the development in its relationship to the impact on the environment. Ordinances that appear to be lop-sided at the cost of the Environment will be revised by Federal Statue.
* Program Deployment: will be monitored by the Congress, and the EPA, and other related Federal Industry Oriented Agencies. It is expected by the Administration that this deployment due to its scope of effort will be in stages, and in areas of focus with stated milestones of accomplishment. It is expected that Deployment in one thread of the program can be in parallel with of threads that are in the Definition and Scope Phase.
* Program Measurements are viewed by the administration as key to keeping the promise for Clean Up and Recovery, and will be made public via the Federal Information System as deemed in review by Congress.
3.3.D Food and Agriculture Quality improvement:
The Government needs to invest in the Quality of our Foods and Agriculture. Today Raw Chicken, or a Raw Egg can give you Salmonella Poisoning, and Raw Beef can give you E Coli Poisoning; and you might want to question where the fish you eat comes from. Then we have hormones for some other strange reason in our foods, and our vegetables need wax in order to look like vegetables; If we can live with Frozen Foods, we also know that the vitamins are generally gone in them.
We are what we Eat !
Although there is no linkage documented between cancers, and diseases and the foods we eat, it is imaginable that if our foods were of better quality, we could be composed of better quality building blocks too. Quality Foods should be to able improve our health which should cut some of our needed health costs as we are the Food we Eat.
The Automation of Food Preparation, from start to finish, over the past few decades have traded off quality for profits. Our FDA, and other Agencies have standards where these Foods supposedly are in compliance.
The Argument can be made that better Quality Foods offer long term profits, and less Quality Foods short change the Food Company's share holders.
When we trade off Quality in our Industries for higher profits, we have ultimately devalued the Industry itself to be invested in.
American Corporations must have their Ethics continually held accountable to serve their respective industries, to expect quality in employee loyalty, and to provide an accurate representation of shareholder value, and not 'perceived Shareholder value'.
Simpler put, Poor Quality Food demonstrates contempt for its consumers who are the actual investors in the Industry.
The Administration commits to pursue stewardship of Congress to work with the FDA and other Agencies that manage the quality of Standards and Laws that are involved in our Food Chain to raise the standards of our foods.
The Administration views that this is an investment in our Health as well as in our Economy.
3.4 The Welfare of our People:
Safety Nets have pragmatic reasons besides Humanitarian ones. I dismiss the notion of the 'Bleeding Heart Liberal' as well as 'Compassionate Conservatism' when advocating the need to care about all the people of this nation.
Pragmatically , the disenfranchised are not active participants in this Nation, nor are they able to contribute as Tax Payers, voters, or otherwise can they be of benefit to themselves or others. They must be reenfranchised.
Safety Nets have to serve pragmatically as part of the road to becoming reinfranchised, as well as prevent people form becoming disenfranchised or the Nets simply have holes in them that are to large to be of productive use.
We also have to face the fact that some cannot stand on their own two feet, as they can be to severely wounded as veterans, or handicapped in ways that prevent them from doing so.
But they too have a voice when it comes to deserving the Quality of Life that is entitled to by All.
3.4.1 Assistance Programs: Through the Path for Economic Solvency, The House and the Senate should be able to reach across, or even share the isle in terms of the Programs that they and the Executive branch advocates.
Employment, Veteran, Social Security, Welfare Benefits, Health and Human Services, Education are just a few of the many that must be reinforced for the effectiveness in serving the people.
The Administration further commits to not sign on any program with out the money accounted for it.
This Money will be sought from both our Path for Economic Solvency, and from Fine SourcesCorporate Reform initiatives and from case action suits that are sponsored by the the government on behalf of the people from
The Disenfranchised covers many categories of situations and walks in life , that include the Impoverished, Unemployed, Veterans, The Homeless, the Aged, and others that find themselves without a way of life that is conducive to the basic needs of their Health Safety, and Welfare, as well as conducive for others.
People affected can be from , and live anywhere in our Nation from our most Rural Areas to our Urban Centers. These people are also potential Tax Payers when given the opportunity to be Reenfranchised.
* It is the commitment of the Administration to review the effectiveness of these programs in terms of the intended merit and design and methods of accomplishment for the purposes of affective funding.
o Duplication of effort in different programs will be resolved and normalized for cost effectiveness
o New agenda's for Programs and new Programs will be reviewed - Addressing Unemployment
To be unemployed is to be disenfranchised in our capitalistic system. We can blame Corporations for wanting to save costs by off shoring or nickel and diming employment offerings with preferences for visitors with Green Cards, migrant farm or factory workers; but moreover must achieve balance in our Industries, and Government for the Employment of Qualified US Citizens.
We could argue that Unemployment Benefits cost the Tax Payer, but a better argument is that employed people are tax payers.
As a Responsible Government we must address Unemployment at a minimum in the follow proactive manner.
* Unemployment Benefits, must be extended - with the proviso that when offered a job it is compulsory to accept that job, being in that it is a sound employment, and meets the same , at a minimum of the unemployment payments made to the unemployed. It is the responsibility of the unemployed to improve themselves from this starting point, or to forego unemployment assistance from that point on. When given a Starting Point, it is Self Esteem that is to carry us forward.
o This does not intend for employers to provide employment opportunities at below market rate, but does intend that employers will make an offer at market rate for a employment position that could even be currently filled by a foreigner with an active visa or Green Card that is currently filling the same position on US Soil.
* Proactive marketing of the unemployed enacted - Through the Federal Information System, Employment /Vacancy Opportunities are to be reported for Federal , State City and Private Sectors.
* Vocational Training Assistance and programs must be made available such that people can have a starting point for a career or new career, as opposed to just a job if desired, or needed.
* Rights to work for a fair wage must take precedence of green card and visa based workers: Employment Opportunities are defined as both vacancies, as well as employment positions, whether temporary, by contract or permanent that are currently occupied by foreigners on U.S Soil.
U.S Citizens must come first if we are to expect U.S. Citizens to stand on their own two feet, and make a contribution in our Economy.
o It is not the interest of the Administration to disenfranchise a foreigner in the United States, but it is the intention to empower the U.S Citizen in the United States.
o Foreigners with legitimate Visas and Green Cards are welcomed to work on U.S Soil where it can be proven that there is not an equally Qualified U.S Citizen available for it within the geographic region of the job.
o Foreign Corporations, institutions and enterprises that operate on U.S. Soil are not to be exempt from this rule.
o Foreigners who wish to immigrate need to get a fair deal in being able to immigrate, if in fact they plan on becoming U.S Citizens Social Security: By commitment of the Administration is to achieve Social Security Solvency as a parallel in rate to the Nations Rate of Econmic Solvency.
We are not going to offload debt on the future taxpayers of our Nation, nor use the Social Security System as a Catch all Piggy Bank to be borrowed from, from time to time.
We will not privatize Social Security such that we toss people into their own little rowboats in rough seas as the expedient answer to previous Social Security Fund Abuse.
* Social Security was conceived as a guaranteed Annuity, and will remain that way.
* The Social Security System will be replenished based on the progress of and further reinforced by the Investment Economy Education Assistance: is a vital need in serving the needs of the People, as they are the body of this Nation. Education ranges from the very young to the Aged. Funding Priorities are in the order of State Assistance Programs, Grants and Loans. Focus is to be in the following top down Priorities for US Citizens:
* No Child Left Behind
* Higher Education, and Vocational Grant Assistance Programs
* Ongoing Education Programs
* Optional Education Programs Veterans Services: will be further augmented in scope for Medical benefits, Financial Assistance, Veteran Family Assistance, and vocational training and provide a support net into State/Community Level Support Programs.
* Veterans Hospitals are to be further funded to adequately provide assistance in case load. Veterans Hospitals will not be short on supplies nor required staff to serve our Veterans.
o Vets will not have to wait until sometime in the future for assistance but will get the assistance programs that they need.
* There will be NO deductibles for Vets of any category. Medical, Psychological, and Sociological Assistance will be readily available.
o A Vet wounded is a Vet who is wounded. There is not discrimination to be permitted in terms of Combat, or non combat related injuries to the self when in active military service.
* Loans will be made available for Vets who seek financial assistance and demonstrate use in the vocational training and Community Support Net Level Programs. Such loans will be below normal bank interest rates for equivalent loans.
o Veteran Family Assistance is to be provided in scope, but not be limited to the following:
+ Grants for Family Assistance
+ Qualification of Family head of Household to assume Veteran Benefits when loosing an immediate family member in active military service - Competitive Health Care: programs are to serve the People or the program(s) in question are viewed as non-competitive and should be realigned.
The scope of Health Care is typically limited, and sometimes filled in by insurance programs that do not serve their stated purpose of service, or have several penalties in providing stated coverage; or coverage is variable based on market price and demand.
* What is required is a means to afford fixed health care infrastructure costs, make services available when needed by any U.S Citizen, and cover most health treatments and remedies adequately up to 100%.
In Business, the imposition of Government Regulations generally is responded to by innovation in the Private Sector.
It is the intent of The Administration to provide a Government based Health Care Program, that the Private Sector can compete against in order to offer even better Health Care Coverage.
* The Federal Health Care Plan proposed by the Administration is based on the Single Payer General Pool Vermont Model.
* Under the proposed model, Medicare and Medicaid funds would be shifted into a general federally managed pool.
* A partial contribution by employer payroll tax and a contribution of employee payroll tax would also be added to the general pool.
* The Federal Government would make up other balances for extended Veterans Coverage, Unemployed, and other Welfare needs.