This is a 3 page paper that describes evaluates and recommends the human right aspect of application in real life.
“All human beings, whatever their cultural or historical background, suffer when they are intimidated, imprisoned or tortured. The question of human rights is so fundamentally important that there should be no difference of views on this. We must therefore insist on a global consensus not only on the need to respect human rights world wide but more importantly on the definition of these rights.”(1).
The tragedy of September 11 is a major human rights violation, but it doesn’t end here. The repercussions have lead into more human rights degrading. The supposedly guilty ‘terrorists’ held in Guatemala Bay are a living proof of serious human rights violation. With treatment meted out like animals to them they are being kept in cages in open view all the time. Where is one wonders the U.N. rights article number 11- Right to be considered innocent until proven Guilty? It is also clearly stated in the U.N. Charters of War and Crime that all arrests made in a state of war will be treated as Prisoners of War. And such prisoners have basic fundamental rights which are not being followed on these prisoners. To date there are innocent Saudis, Pakistani nationals and even French confined in these cages and whose governments are demanding their release.
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Since it is guarded severely in Cuba there are no exclusive pictures and footage to view for an audience however snaps and eye-witness accounts of Red Cross workers and Human Rights groups is available.
“We need to think in global terms because the effects of one nation's actions are felt far beyond its borders. The acceptance of universally binding standards of Human Rights as laid down in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in the International Covenants of Human Rights is essential in today's shrinking world. Respect for fundamental human rights should not remain an ideal to be achieved but a requisite foundation for every human society. When we demand the rights and freedoms we so cherish we should also be aware of our responsibilities. If we accept that others have an equal right to peace and happiness as ourselves do we not have a responsibility to help those in need? Respect for fundamental human rights is as important to the people of Africa and Asia as it is to those in Europe or the Americas.”(1)
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