In the begining there was darkness. Then there was light. Then there was consciousness. Then there were questions and then there was religion. Why are we? Where do we come from? Why does the world and nature act as it does? What happens when we die.
Religion tended to the answer to all these questions with the stories of gods and godesses and other supernatural forces that were beyond the understanding of humans. Where as science seems able to explain everything with prof and evidence right before your eyes.
Science deals with subject matter and account for civilizations while religion is concered with the civilization, but looks at its spiritulisation and faith. As the scientists looks at the building, materials and whereas religion is not focusing on these physical components.
This also gives birth to the question that whether science is able to explain all or whether religion is able to explain all aspects of life?science does seem to explain all.
It is because of the fact that science has enabled humans to fly, explore the depths of the oceans,walk on the moon. It makes the life of humans easier than before with lots of facilities.
Howerver, strong and almost perfect the view of science is in today's society it cannot cover the entire spectrum of the human experiences. Nor does it explain some of the striking similarities present in the various religions of the earth.
There have been many clashes between religion and science in history. Some past leaders were used to imprisoned scientists. Now much has changed. People asks for the facts and figures, but spiritualisation, your character building is not the things provided by science. So, science and religion are different in the sense of facts and faith.
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These both are important for our lives, because you cannot write on walls without pens and brains. Pens are provided by the science and the brain and satisfaction by religion. Therefore, there should be no conflict between them. In my opinion religion and science can co-exist in the sense of walking on their separate paths side by side. We need both as the religion takecare of man's spiritual life and science take care of man's comfort.