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Islam and terrorism
эEver since the September 11 incident in 2001, the media has been constantly ээportraying Islam of being synonymous with terrorism, though the truth is right in front ээof everyone, Islam is not a religion of terrorism but the exact opposite. э
эThere is no exact definition of terrorism but there are general ideas of it. According to ээPiceton University, terrorism is “The calculated use of violence against civilians in ээorder to attain goals that are political or religious…” This means that terrorism is ээmass violence to innocent people to gain goals that are political (Government wanting ээpower), religious (Religion wanting followers).э
эIslam is a religion of peace, the word Islam itself means peace, and it is a religion of ээmercy and does not tolerate terrorism. The prophet Mohammed, peace and blessings ээbe upon him, used to forbid soldiers of killing women and children he would say: ээ{…Do not betray, do not be excessive, do not kill a newborn child}(Narrated in ээSaheeh Muslim, #1731). When presenting Islam it is not done as the Christians do and ээsay “ accept this or you will not be saved”. Such as in the Crusade war of the Middle ээAges when true Christians engaged in a “holy” war and brutally tortured and ээslaughtered thousands of Muslims for there conquest of Jerusalem where Muslims, ээJews and Christians lived under Islamic rule in peace until it became a of extensive ээbloodshed. In Islam, the message is simply presented and then it is up to the others to ээaccept it if they are convinced.э
эIn sociology, there are functions of religion that are to provide a basis for social ээcontrol, a social cohesion role, and to help people develop a sense of meaning and ээpurpose in their lives. Islam provides social control by informing us on what not to ээeat, what to wear and how to speak, it also provides a meaning and purpose in life by ээtelling us that there is an after life and the reward is heaven and that this life is a test.э
эThe West often gets some verses from the Qur’an and present them out of there ээcontext that seem violent and connected that with terrorism, or take the example of ээwhat they call “suicide” bombing. An example of a verse taken from the Qur’an is the ээfollowing: {Soon shall we cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they ээjoined companions with God, for which He had sent no authority: their abode will be ээfire: and evil is the home of the wrong-doers.} Surah 3 Verse 151. Yes this does talk ээabout terror but no in the westerner sense of belief. To fully understand this verse it ээmust be read with the previous and following verses: {O ye who believe! If ye obey ээthe Unbelievers, they will drive you back to your heels, and ye will turn back (from ээFaith) to your own loss. Nay, God is your protector, and He is the best of helpers. *. ээSoon shall we cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined ээcompanions with God, for which He had sent no authority: their abode will be fire: ээand evil is the home of the wrong-doers.} Surah 3 Verse 149 – 151. So, according to ээAl-Qurtubi, the verses actually mean “O believers, if you follow the disbeliveers who ээurge you to forsake Islam and revert back to paganism, you will fall back to darkness! ээHence, you will turn losers, for no one will come to your aid. But if you stay put and ээkeep firm on the right path, Allah will protect you and will cast fear into the hearts of ээthose disbeliveers. Thus, they will not dare attack you. This is because they have ээrejected Allah’s way and ascribed unto Him partners.”. So this verse is not a call for ээviolence or terrorism in the meaning of killing the innocents. э
эThe second point is about suicide bombing. It is hated in Islam for a person to take his ээown life deliberately. Mohammed, peace and blessing be upon him, said: “Whoever ээcommits suicide with a piece of iron will be punished with the same piece of iron in ээHell. Whoever commits suicide by throttling shall keep throttling himself in Hell ээ[Forever], and whoever commits suicide by stabbing shall keep on stabbing himself in ээHell [forever]”. However, when committing your own death is part of resisting ээaggression and injustice it becomes a different case. In this case, it is considered a ээstriving in noble cause of upholding truth and justice, as well as defending honor and ээdignity. Thus it will be viewed as taking place in Allah’s cause. If a person sacrifices ээhis life in this way then he/she will be considered as a martyr. э
эIn a study by a sociologist known as Marks Durkheim, that compares religious ээbelievers and their participation in religion and their likelihood that they would ээcommit suicide, found that religious people who attend religious services often were ээless likely to commit suicide than those who do not. Muslims attend five religious ээprayers (services) a day, so the likelihood of a Muslim committing suicide is clearly ээvery low.э
эThe real terrorists in the world are no where near the Islamic boarder they are many ээpeople in different places; between 1889 and 1909 over 1700 African-Americans ээwere brutally murdered in the United states by white Southern extremists. In 1946 the ээKing David Hotel in Jerusalem blew up killing 91 British soldiers as well as British, ээJewish and Arab civilians was done by Jewish terrorists. In 1994 a bomb was set off ээat an abortion clinic killing 2 receptionists this was done by American anti-abortion ээextremists who also murdered 2 abortion clinic workers in 1995 and assassinated 3 ээdoctors in 1993, 1994, 1998.э
эIn conclusion, The portraying in the media of Muslims and Islam is untrue and indeed ээfar from the truth. Terrorism cannot be generalized in a society or religion; a group or ээan individual who may use the name of religion wrongly cannot be taken to represent ээthe whole of religion.э
э ээ
эBadr, Kamal. (2002). Ask about Islam: Faith and Practice: Commentary on “suicide” ээbombers. www.islamonline.net. Accessed: 16/08/2004. Last updated: 10/10/2004.э
эBall, Lamaan. (2002). Ask about Islam: Culture and Society: Helping fellow students ээunderstand that Islam is not terrorism. www.islamonline.net. Accessed: 16/08/2004. ээLast updated: 05/08/2002.э
эIbrahim, I. (1996). What does Islam say about Terrorism? A Brief Guide To ээUnderstanding Islam. Darussalam: Houston.э
эLove, R. (2002). Q&A about Islam and Terrorism. www.strategicnetwork.org. ээAccessed: 22/08/2004. Last updated: 01/01/2002.э
эSurah 3. Al-‘Imran. The Noble Qur’anэ
эWordnet. (2003). Terrorism. www.dictionary.com. Accessed: 22/08/2004. Last ээupdated: 2003.э
эUahya, H. (1995). Islam is Not the Source of Terrorism, But its Solution. ээwww.islamdenouncesterrorism. Accessed: 19/08/2004. Last updated: unknown.э
эYasser, M. (2004). Religion. The Sociological Imagination. Lecture notesэ