My family and me are fond of reading newspapers. At our flat you can always find very much different magazines and newspapers lying everywhere. There are political, economical, informational, reading for mind and other newspapers and magazines about all spheres of life. We don’t like to eject old magazines because there is always interesting and useful information that one-day can be used.
Nowadays we don’t subscribe to any newspapers or magazines. Some years ago we subscribed to some newspapers, for example “Moscovsky komsomolets”. It is, I think, the most popular newspaper at Russian people. It deserved its fame as a newspaper, which writes about actual things about our politics and pop stars. For first time journalists were trying to write only truth but after some years reading it we understood that “Komsomolka” is classified as “yellow press”. The concept “yellow press” was led in America in 20 –Th years of our century and means a kind of press, which writes not to tell something to his reader but only to be bought by him. That’s why they don’t pay much attention to the truthfulness of that information what they print, just the other way about they try to create something unusual, what is often absolutely wrong and they are doing that with the sole purpose of compel reader to bye there newspaper. As for me, I like better publications, which consider their reader & would never admit that in their publications would be something wrong. I think that reader must trust in what he’s reading, but it doesn’t mean that I don’t want “yellow press” to exist, I think that we always must have possibility to make a choice what to read, and it’s very important to choose what to read.
That’s why we renounced from “MK”. Now we don’t subscribe to any newspaper, we like better to bye at the newsstand anything what we would like to. Also we don’t subscribe to any newspapers because they were often stolen from our mailbox.
Usually we bye some interesting magazines and every member of our family has its own favorite kind of reading. For example, my father likes better economics and political reading, that’s why he likes better to bye something that is near this theme, for example magazine “Dengi” or “Profil”. My mother doesn’t like to read any newspapers because she doesn’t trust to any of them but she byes smth to read while going to her work by metro, usually it’s “Novaya gazeta” or “Komsomolskaya pravda”.
As for me, I like better to bye a magazine “Kariera”. It is a magazine where you can find everything about how to make your own career, there are advice about work, about study.
Now I’ll tell you about TV. Usually I don’t watch TV because I don’t have much time to spend time with it. But I have to watch smth while having dinner and supper. Often it’s a film “Sliders”, it’s a fantastic film about a group of young people travelling through parallel worlds. Sometimes it’s very interesting to watch it. Also I like to watch a cartoon “Beavis & But-head ” which tells about two American teenagers. It is a very funny cartoon and I like to watch it while having breakfast.
Also sometimes, when some interesting movie is on I watch it.
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